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October 10, 2017
I guess I'll speak for those who don't make their beds--I am one of them. I just don't. I'll be back in it in a few hours sleeping again, then up again. I am up and down 3-4 times in 24 hours. I never made the connection between happiness and bed-making. I consider myself a generally happy person. I do what I have energy for. Bed making isn't one of them. Would I have more energy for other things in my life if I made my bed? Who knows? I used to stress over order, and now I live in mild household chaos, and don't have stress. When it gets too untidy, then I spend a day cleaning, including making my bed, and start over. Works for me. This correlation between happiness and bed-making seems to me to be too pat. but then I am on the side of those who don't make their bed every day, and I am generally a pretty happy person.!
October 9, 2017
Is it not more likely that people who sleep better are more awake and make their beds while poor sleepers barely make it out the door let alone make their bed?
Flawed logic in connecting the two.
Flawed logic in connecting the two.
October 9, 2017
Have always made my bed right after I wake up. Yes, it's wonderful to have things in order and makes me feel good. Same thing for the kitchen. Everything cleaned, put away, coffee ready for morning, it's so gratifying to wake up to a clean kitchen. Plus I sleep better knowing it's sparkling. BB
October 9, 2017
My husband generally gets up after me, he leaves the bedclothes drawn back neatly to air and when he comes home in the evening he makes the bed beautifully. This works too !
October 9, 2017
I've seen other articles on this topic in the past few years (perhaps after that commencement address) and I must say, the first time I was somewhat puzzled. I had no idea that there are adults out there who don't make their beds every morning. I cannot even imagine that . . . . ;o)
October 10, 2017
Me too! I can't inagine walking into a bedroom after work and seeing the bed unmade. I like things neat and orderly. Even my puppies get their beds changed twice a day! Thinking of it, the whole house stays tidy, no stacked newspapers, no dishes ever in the sink, towels always hung neatly, doesn't take much to keep thing in order JMO. 😄
Sucheta M.
October 9, 2017
Does no one here understand the difference between association and causation?
Can one editor take an epidemiology class, please.
Can one editor take an epidemiology class, please.
October 9, 2017
This was exactly my first thought. A natural affinity between bed-making and happiness, success, health whatever does in no way imply that the first leads to the latter.
October 9, 2017
I make my bed because it's depressing to walk into my bedroom to an unmade bed at night. I use a duvet so it's simple to just shake it over the bed and fold the top down.
October 9, 2017
It seems to me that making one's bed is a simple show of self respect. Have a good day, all!
October 9, 2017
I don't know about completely changing one's life, but making one's bed as the morning gets going, can give a sense of order and control -- probably contributing to a mind set for the day. Not to mention that it is now ready for when it is all over at day's end ... to put one's feet up.
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