The Piglet

Piglet Day 5: Bonnie S. Benwick Takes Two Single-Topic Cookbooks For a Spin

March  9, 2018

Maybe you’re thinking, “I never knew there could be a whole cookbook about pho”—or “I never knew there could be a whole cookbook about onions.” Well, they're both here, and we’re all better for it. On the 5th day of the Piglet Tournament of Cookbooks, Washington Post food editor Bonnie S. Benwick pits The Pho Cookbook against Onions Etcetera.

Read the full judgment here.

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The Piglet—inspired by The Morning News' Tournament of Books—is where the 16 most notable cookbooks of the year face off in a NCAA-style bracketed tournament. Watch the action and weigh in on the results!


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1 Comment

Nancy March 12, 2018
There were a whole lot of comments here. Where'd they go?