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Kaitlin C.
December 12, 2020
I just did this in a rush but it actually worked really well. I used a stick of uncooked spaghetti! Very creative and worked perfect!
October 3, 2019
Using a serrated knife is an ingenious idea. It works like a charm. Many thanks!
Joanna S.
May 22, 2018
growing up, my mom had the largest bundle of bamboo skewers that never seemed to get smaller (it's still there), so I always used those. but now i use a cake tester! don't @ me
Valerio F.
May 22, 2018
i literally know exactly what you're talking about.... do they... ever go away?
Katy O.
May 22, 2018
I think I have moved a bundle of bamboo skewers and a roll of tin foil from house to house for over 20 years.
May 21, 2018
I use my finger. I lightly touch the surface of the cake and can tell everything I need to know about doneness by how it springs back. For cheesecakes, a visual cue is sufficient.
May 21, 2018
Growing up I watched my mother and grandmother test all of their cakes this way. Years later it has remained my go-to for the exact reasons you listed. I don't think I will ever switch to a toothpick or skewer, even if i have a drawer full (which I commonly do, haha).
May 21, 2018
The problem is obvious- you SHOULD always have bamboo skewers around, it is impossible to run a household properly without them.
Ron M.
May 21, 2018
Personally, I like to use an instant-read thermometer. I think it is the most reliable way of cooking a cake to the exact same doneness each time. The problem is figuring out the desired temperature which I generally do by trial and error, and careful notes in my recipes.
Emma L.
May 21, 2018
Interesting! What temperature range do you usually look for in cakes and quick breads?
Ron M.
May 21, 2018
I've just started using this technique, and I've mostly used it with cheesecakes so far. For cheesecakes, I have found around 70-80ºC works well (160-175ºF). For traditional bread it works very well, and I use about 90ºC. I have a thermometer with a needle thin probe, so it leaves no discernible mark afterwards.
Tamara S.
May 22, 2018
Cakes and breads baked to 195 deg. F always turn out beautifully for me! I use my instant-read digital thermometer.
May 21, 2018
Can you clarify if you are inserting the knife and looking what adheres to the knife itself, or making an incision from which you peer into the cake top to bottom?
I always use wooden chopstick for testing, since my kitchen has 20+ and I never run out before the next dish cycle.
I always use wooden chopstick for testing, since my kitchen has 20+ and I never run out before the next dish cycle.
Emma L.
May 21, 2018
I look at what adheres to the knife. Just like a toothpick—or chopstick!—in and out. If it's a cake that develops a natural crack—say, a banana bread—I insert the knife in that crack, so any mark is less noticeable.
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