How to Pack the Ultimate Carry-On Bag of Airplane Snacks
Merrill's 10 commandments of eating while traveling.
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July 9, 2024
I love food52, but tuna and/or anchovies on a plane...? Be nice to your plane mates!!!
Sandra R.
July 9, 2024
I always bring food for the plane and airport as I have celiac. 95% of the time they forget my meal. The one time they had my meal they gave it to someone else. The second time (yes I travel a lot but have only gotten a meal twice) they gave me the world’s smelliest fish. No way I could eat it as I didn’t want to be that person that eats smelly food in an enclosed space. It would have been nice if you included some gluten free recipes in this article.
July 9, 2024
Tuna and anchovies on a plane?? Not great advice! On a recent flight to Europe, I sat near a family that brought out all manner of Asian food, including something very fishy. Those of us around them were green at the gills the entire flight.
June 30, 2024
How about I won't bring tuna or eggs on board, but you leave your perfume, scented body wash, and scented lotion at home.
April 27, 2024
First, if your biggest problem is someone eating stinky food on your flight, consider yourself blessed. All prepared airplane meals stink too. And if it is a long flight, which is what this article suggests, it is nice to have real food that will sustain you. Eat what brings you joy.
Elizabeth F.
April 24, 2024
Can’t travel without Olive Oil & Maple Granola From Nekisia Davis with extra clumps, dried prunes- 3 a day really work to keep things moving along… and a small spray bottle of glycerin and rose water- so refreshing during/after long flights.
April 22, 2024
Ok I agree with the other comments Anchovies and Tuna its a not a great idea on board of a plain... but so are Mc. Donald's or Pizza Hut.
I tend to keep my snacks options on the dry side and drink lots of fluids.
I tend to keep my snacks options on the dry side and drink lots of fluids.
Susan D.
April 22, 2024
Merrill, I think you owe it to humanity to let us know far in advance when you and your family will be flying.
February 18, 2024
While these may be delicious, do NOT bring tuna or anchovies on a plane unless you want someone to take viral videos of you describing what not to pack to eat on a plane
April 13, 2023
On the plane? Half of these I can’t pass through security let alone eat next to my seat mate - pain bagnat ? Tuna?
I got protein bars & a sealed store bought bag of nuts, not a picnic.
I got protein bars & a sealed store bought bag of nuts, not a picnic.
June 30, 2024
I am a celiac and have been traveling with food for more than 13 years. Never have I had a sandwich or anything else taken from me. Ive had boxes of crackers, meat sticks, cheese sandwiches, a sack of bacon, etc and never have they taken a single thing from me.
April 12, 2023
How about also what NOT to take?
Anything where the aroma could wander more than 2ft (think eggs/fish) DO NOT BRING.
Anything where the aroma could wander more than 2ft (think eggs/fish) DO NOT BRING.
Mary-Elizabeth T.
March 4, 2023
I get a few ice cube trays with plastic lids - mine have 6 pretty big compartments - maybe 2x2 inches - and fill each with treat. Rosemary and hot pepper taralle, olives, cubed dried Italian pepperoni, savoury dried chickpeas and fava beans, dried apricots, and chocolate covered almonds or sour candies.
October 30, 2022
My favorite guy on the plane is always the person that brings tuna, anchovies, and onions.
August 21, 2022
You contradict yourself by first recommending a baguette, then saying in the next sentence to take crackers instead of bread for the crispness factor. Then you say to bring a shareable wedge of cheese—ah, no. How are you going to cut it? You can’t bring a knife on a plane. And please, please don’t bring any strong cheeses. Your seatmates will be rightly offended. Same goes for a flatbread with anchovies, crazy recommendation.
Gail D.
August 11, 2022
Yikes! I HAD to fly recently, but wore an N95 from arriving at one airport to leaving the other, including layovers at OHare and Dulles. I snuck a couple sips of water under my mask, likewise I ate a Kind Bar one quick bite at a time. I did NOT get COVID--but my son and his bride did on their boat and train honeymoon. #CovidIsNotOver #MonkeyPoxIsAirborne
April 13, 2024
It's 2024 and I'm STILL doing this exact thing, because so many friends have gotten sick with a virus soon after flying. I'm probably going to do it for life because I always seem to sit in front of a sneezing, sniffling, poorly attended toddler who ends up TOUCHING ME with her little wet hands. Also, if you pack tuna, onions, strong cheese, garlic, or anchovies, practically everyone near you is going to hate you and, these days, someone just might act out.
Marianna F.
August 11, 2022
Smitten Kitchen has a delicious chickpea pan bagnat for the conscientious
Vivian K.
August 11, 2022
Seems as if this non-fishy version would be rather messy if the typical amount of oil is used.
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