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Carolyn K.
June 11, 2019
"The $11.88 Pantry Organizer That Makes Every Day 10x Better" Thanks for wasting my time today. Tea Box... what about the rest of the pantry?? *rolls eyes*
Lori O.
June 9, 2019
Hi! I had the same problem, my cupboard expanded to three shelves of tea, ugh! I decided that I wasn’t going to buy any new tea until the old tea was used up...My husband suggested we just throw away the tea we dont really like... What??? Throw away tea? So what I decided to do was to make sun tea with all the strange teas that were clogging up my cupboard. Turns out that some teas that I don’t like hot are pleasant iced... only 2 hundred tea bags to go... only kidding!
Adrienne B.
June 9, 2019
With me, it's spices. I have freeze dried herbs that are great when you've run out of fresh, bulk spices like paprika and garlic powder that I keep in lovely Armenian preserve jars arranged by frequency of use, canned spices like cloves, a row of alphabetically organized Pensey's spices, and another area with pimento jars filled with my own spice mix creations. There's always the temptation to get more spices or make more spice mixes.
Sheryl T.
June 9, 2019
Thank you! I decided a few months ago that a tea box was the answer to some of my troubles, but couldn't find one I liked. This one's in my Amazon cart!
Janet M.
June 9, 2019
I use a vintage spice chest with drawers. Miraculously, each drawer is exactly the right size to store individual tea sachets in their packets. I only wish it were bigger. It has two drawers on top, where I store my current favorites, Ceylon orange pekoe and Tazo passion for iced tea. The bottom one stores chamomile, mint, Darjeeling, green jasmine and white teas.
But I still have more tea! It just isn’t large enough to hold a whole box of each flavor.
The rest are still in their boxes in the pantry.
I love it because it’s a pretty display on my countertop, with room on the top to hold a pewter sugar pot for raw sugar and stevia packets, although I usually drink my tea black.
I’ve been looking for a larger version on eBay and Etsy to hang on the wall.
Maybe an Etsy woodworker will get the hint and make me exactly what I’d like.
But in the meantime, I’ve been using this treasure for over 30 years, and I love it. <3
But I still have more tea! It just isn’t large enough to hold a whole box of each flavor.
The rest are still in their boxes in the pantry.
I love it because it’s a pretty display on my countertop, with room on the top to hold a pewter sugar pot for raw sugar and stevia packets, although I usually drink my tea black.
I’ve been looking for a larger version on eBay and Etsy to hang on the wall.
Maybe an Etsy woodworker will get the hint and make me exactly what I’d like.
But in the meantime, I’ve been using this treasure for over 30 years, and I love it. <3
Samia O.
June 8, 2019
You make it sound super cute!! And it is!! If only it can be maintained! I have a couple of tea boxes stacked on top of each other aalong with some loose and some unopened ones! Coz i normally reach for my black tea!
June 5, 2019
What if you abhor and never use those bagged sachets that are basically the pocket lint of camellia sinensis and only drink loose leaf?
June 10, 2019
Not everyone can afford loose leaf tea. Please be considerate of other people’s situations before insulting their food/drink choices.
September 11, 2019
That's my storage problem too, Whiteantlers! Although mine's probably even worse than yours because I also own a ton of tea bags. Herbal teas, decaffeinated tea for the evening (now that I'm OLD and can no longer have caffeine at night!) and packages of tea bags that were gifts and that no longer have labels and that smell like generic dusty herbs but for some reason are never thrown away!
It amounts to 3 plastic shoe boxes in the pantry, (labeled black, tisane, and green, but actually containing loose, bagged, and tea-I-don't-like) plus a few 1-lb tins of daily-drinking tea in the kitchen by the kettle. It's not a terrible setup when only family members are brewing, but there isn't a graceful way to offer tea to guests. I feel like I might as well be backing up a dump truck!
The positive side of it is that fellow tea lovers can really tell I'm one of their own!
In closing, Sonia, some loose-leaf tea really is wildly expensive, isn't it? Overall, though, I think bags add to the price if it's just ordinary tea. If you have some middle-eastern or Indian markets around, that's a good source for extremely cheap loose-leaf tea. I usually spend around $10 for a pound, sometimes even in a tin! (There are great resources online to figure out which brands are good, so you don't commit to a pound of disgusting tea. Hardly frugal if you end up hating it!) I figured once that, using 1 tsp of leaves per cup, a pound of tea makes 200 cups- 5 cents a cup! That's my kind of luxury ;)
It amounts to 3 plastic shoe boxes in the pantry, (labeled black, tisane, and green, but actually containing loose, bagged, and tea-I-don't-like) plus a few 1-lb tins of daily-drinking tea in the kitchen by the kettle. It's not a terrible setup when only family members are brewing, but there isn't a graceful way to offer tea to guests. I feel like I might as well be backing up a dump truck!
The positive side of it is that fellow tea lovers can really tell I'm one of their own!
In closing, Sonia, some loose-leaf tea really is wildly expensive, isn't it? Overall, though, I think bags add to the price if it's just ordinary tea. If you have some middle-eastern or Indian markets around, that's a good source for extremely cheap loose-leaf tea. I usually spend around $10 for a pound, sometimes even in a tin! (There are great resources online to figure out which brands are good, so you don't commit to a pound of disgusting tea. Hardly frugal if you end up hating it!) I figured once that, using 1 tsp of leaves per cup, a pound of tea makes 200 cups- 5 cents a cup! That's my kind of luxury ;)
December 2, 2020
Sonia-DO get OVER yourself. Not only is loose tea affordable, it is also far more economical than tea bags. I can have a full pot of hot tea every morning-5 days a week-with just a few teaspoons of loose leaf tea that can be resteeped many times over. After it's steeped out, it gets composted. That makes loose leaf tea affordable and Earth friendly. Please be considerate of others and think before posting these "oooh-I'm playing my tiny pathetic violin" blurbs of yours.
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