I Always Dreamed of a Larger Apartment. This Year Changed That.
One writer finds that learning to live with less is a personal journey, not a one-size-fits-all.
Photo by Matthew James

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December 8, 2020
This is so true. I am rethinking my space and planning on getting comfortable where I am. I love small spaces anyway but, have collected way too much and most of doesn't even reflect my personality or truly suit me style. You framed it so well, "living more intentionally".
Matthew J.
December 9, 2020
This is something I went through with our personal belongings a couple of years ago. I still struggle to only keep what truly matters to us or what we need on a day-to-day but even making the effort of trying to be more intentional makes an impact!
Jessica E.
December 8, 2020
Great piece. It's fascinating how the pandemic has refocused all of our priorities, but in different ways. Counter to the author, as a workaholic working from home for the first time and unable to leave for outdoor exercise (asthmatic in CA), I am desperate for a much larger space than I currently have, since I quite literally never leave my home. It didn't matter as much when I was rarely home...
Matthew J.
December 9, 2020
This year has given everyone a very different perspective on how we each go about our day-to-day lives and how we interact with our space we call "home". It will be interesting to see what happens when everyone's needs shift after the pandemic!
December 7, 2020
Loved your article as I love everything from Food 52. We have learned to appreciate all that surrounds us.
Phillip G.
December 7, 2020
After 25 years in our larger house, we are looking to downsize. Rather than get overwhelmed, we are using this opportunity to pare things down and only bring along the stuff we use on a regular basis. For us, it’s a choice. Not a condemnation of materialism but, simply, a way to lighten the load. Thanks for your insights!
Matthew J.
December 9, 2020
It's always great to be able to pare down and focus on the things you use but also the things that make living comfortable - which is unique to everyone. There's always a desire to "keep up with the Joneses" but in reality most people do not need those items! Good luck with downsizing!
November 17, 2020
It's such a game changer to discover the difference between what you truly need and want, and what you were told you need and want. That open concept kitchens, stainless steel appliances, and granite countertops aren't a universal default. That just about any add-on room is only handy if you actively and regularly use the stuff within. Not everyone needs a craft room, a bar, or a guest room. But that's the inevitable result when ease and style is sold to us without the practicality and reality of the object or look. We buy, it doesn't work with our lives, and we buy again. We're all funnelled toward some sort of universal it, but one person's perfection is another's chaos.
Matthew J.
November 17, 2020
I agree completely. It was a jarring experience to recognize that what I was told I needed wasn't fulfilling me and I started over again when I either sold or gave away our furniture two years ago and slowly replaced everything or completely cut things out. Now, I've been a lot more intentional with what I bring into our home and make sure it's not something that I'm told I need but that actually has value to me and it will serve a purpose. I think you can have ease and style but it's something unique to the individual.
November 18, 2020
Absolutely! This is why I wish discussions of all matters of the home, from food to furniture, come with the downsides, struggles, not-so-fun work. I love the idea of a reality where we are sold the values (and lack thereof), rather than an all-in-one "need." It'd be easier to navigate towards what each of us really wants. It says a lot that I completely relate to your story, while disagreeing with just about every particular, because my "needs" include a stand mixer, microwave, and more sheets. Though I'm with you on the pasta maker. No one ever talks about how it doesn't just clamp onto every countertop.
November 14, 2020
This was a really interesting read Matthew. My partner and I just moved into an apartment of a similar size - after always having lived in shared apartments - and the excess of space has felt at the same time like a luxury and a chore to fill. At one point my partner suggested we put a Foosball table in our kitchen nook. I’ll show him a picture of your café-like set-up in the hope that sparks other ideas for him...
Matthew J.
November 17, 2020
I'm so glad you liked the essay Coco! Always moving into a space where you have more room - especially for the first time with your partner - can seem daunting. As I mentioned I ran into a similar situation with our current apartment where we had so much space! The one thing I'd recommend is to take your time to gather the pieces you need to make the apartment feel like your home - even if just for a couple of months!
Arati M.
November 14, 2020
Thanks for sharing this journey with us, Matthew. I think that this year has forced a lot of us to come to terms with our changing needs from, and relationship with, our homes. The best lesson I’ve learned is to stay open to but not be tied down to these shifts, and to find my own path through them.
Matthew J.
November 17, 2020
Thanks Arati. Yes, this year has definitely forced many to reevaluate their needs within their home and how it will be viewed in the future as well. I've been trying to do the same and not get too bogged down as everything constantly shifts in our new everyday - which for many is still changing!
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