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8 Things to Know Before Growing Your Own Herbs

Lessons learned from "Herb: A Cook’s Companion," a new book that celebrates the joys of growing—and cooking with—herbs.

May 17, 2021
Photo by James Ransom

There are few things more satisfying than picking food that you grew yourself. But nurturing fruits and vegetables can be a tricky business. It takes trial and error (no matter how much you read on the subject), and requires time, energy, and some amount of space to get a worthwhile harvest. Herbs, comparatively, are quite simple to bring up. No one knows this better than Mark Diacono, who put it most succinctly when he said, “The leaves are the prize and the plant’s job is to grow them to survive.”

Herb: A Cook’s Companion. Photo by Amazon

That sentence comes from the food writer’s new book, Herb: A Cook’s Companion, a glorious encyclopedia of information on how to grow—and then subsequently cook with and preserve—more types of herbs than you have probably ever heard of before. There is a whole section dedicated to the nitty-gritty particulars of each (the varieties of fennel, the ideal conditions for lovage once winter comes, how to space marjoram seeds). But throughout, there are tips that apply more broadly to the vast majority of herbs, because it is Diacono’s belief that they are powerhouses of the garden and kitchen, requiring little work and little space for maximum reward.

Here, he lays out the fundamentals. Read through it, and you’re well on your way toward growing success.

1. Most herbs enjoy plenty of sun, to be kept out of harsh winds, a good amount of water, and soil that drains the water well.

If you stick to these four tenets, you should be able to grow almost any herbs you choose, no matter where you live. Giving your plants plenty of sun throughout the day is an easier feat in the spring and summer, as is keeping them out of the wind. Diacono also recommends watering in the morning. This way, the plants can drink up before it gets too hot out and the moisture is sucked away.

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“I seem to keep harping on this, but "herbs" is a culinary term, not a botanical or horticultural one, so you need to be very careful about making generalizations. In fact most of the commonly used herbs in western cuisine fall into one of two distinct groups of closely related plants; the perennial shrubs (mostly of family labiatae), deep rooted shrubs with a high oil content and the annual/biennial herbs (mostly of family umbelliferae, aka apiaceae.), softer leafed plants There are a few outliers, such as tarragon and saffron. The perennials are best propagated by cuttings; they take easily and seedlings are not so consistent in flavor. The soft herbs are almost always grown by seed. Basil is on it's own as a labiate annual, but there are also perennial basils. With the hard herbs, you can move them into larger pots fairly rapidly; they grow large root systems in a hurry, and you have to be careful of them becoming root bound in smaller pots. The soft herbs I usually only transplant once from their seedling pots to their final homes; most of them tend to bolt (go into their reproductive cycle, which usually ends their usefulness) if plants of any maturity are transplanted.”
— Smaug

As for soil, you’ll want to buy potting soil, which comes ready-made with ideal conditions for planting in pots (more on that below). Throughout the season, every couple of weeks or so, you should replenish the nutrients by sprinkling new compost or soil on top of the existing surface (you can also fortify with a not-too-strong liquid feed, like fish emulsion).

2. Speaking of pots, you should grow your herbs in them.

Of course, you can grow them in the ground if your natural environment is well-suited for edibles, but individual containers allow you to control the environment so particularly that achieving the above four conditions is easy. Plus, you can place pots anywhere you like for maximum picking convenience.

3. But you should also mind the size of your pots.

Don’t put a tiny sprout in a large vessel. “It’ll flounder in a sea of soil and the roots won’t know where to go without support from the sides,” Diacono says. Every time you water, you’ll be wasting both the water itself and the nutrients in the soil, which will leech out before the plant can reach and absorb them. Start small and re-pot as your herbs grow. Then reuse the smaller ones to begin something new.

4. Get to know the difference between perennials and annuals.

Perennials last for multiple seasons: They may lose all their leaves when winter comes, but if treated right, they’ll grow back with a vengeance in spring. These generally include heartier varieties, like rosemary, thyme, and sage. Annuals give all that they’ve got over the course of one season before they are spent. They’re typically softer varieties, like basil, parsley, and cilantro. “Perennials are typically well-suited for beginners,” Diacono says. “They’re naturally strong and vigorous, so your main job is to not overwater them, and to not hammer them too hard when they’re young” (aka don't overharvest).

5. Contrary to standard advice, try growing what you use less of.

Usually people tell you to grow what you eat on the regular, which…makes sense. But Diacono likes to grow herbs he only uses on occasion, generally ones that are not commonly found in his local grocery store in the U.K., like Korean mint and Vietnamese coriander. “It’s a way of throwing your larder door open,” he says. “I don’t use those all the time, but when I do, they really stand out. No generic mint or coriander could take their place to the same effect.” Besides, if you go through parsley like nobody’s business, it might not be the smartest use of space in your garden.

6. Learn how to propagate your herbs.

Propagation is the act of growing baby plants from parent plants, whether through cuttings, transplanting roots, or division. Diacono gets into the more minute how-to in his book for each method, but essentially you take a piece of a fully-grown plant—whether it’s a branch (say, of rosemary), a root (like with tarragon), or half to quarters of an entire bursting, sprawling specimen (such as chives or lovage)—and give them a new home elsewhere. “It’s a way of getting plants for free,” as Diacono puts it.

7. Also learn how to prune them.

In its most dramatic sense, pruning is a necessity as plants grow bigger in order to keep them an ideal size and shape—and productive all the while. When it comes to herbs, pruning often happens as harvesting. This simply means that when you pick leaves off of a plant to take them into the kitchen, do so thoughtfully, and then you may also call it pruning. Plucking leaves from the top (and not too many of them, especially in the beginning) before plants flower, prevents stems from growing leggy. (When they do flower, most of a plant's energy then goes toward that pretty part, instead of towards the edible leaves you use most commonly in cooking.) Pruning encourages growth outward so that herbs become bushy and abundant instead of skinny and sparse.

8. If you’re going to grow edibles, choose something you’ve never eaten before. Or maybe two or three things.

This is never easier than with herbs, which—in case you didn’t pick up on it yet—are an especially flexible way to experiment, given their low-commitment, small-space nature. Diacono planted lemon verbena for the first time 20 years ago, shiso for the first time 10 years ago, and Korean mint (which falls somewhere in the middle of generic mint and aniseed in flavor) for the first time about five years ago. All of them are now staples in his garden every year. Worst case, you don’t like something. Best case, you’ve given a small amount of real estate to a plant that will totally transform the way you cook and eat.

Which herbs are you trying to grow this year? Tell us in the comments below!

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  • Mary thomas
    Mary thomas
  • Smaug
  • DMStenlake
Emma Wartzman

Written by: Emma Wartzman


Mary T. June 16, 2021
I have an attitude of benign neglect when it comes to herb growing. It works for me here in my area of Fairfield County. I have a deck railing that gets full sun. It is faces mostly west and gets all the breezes and wind nature provides. The 2 perennial herbs that are outside throughout the year that thrive in these conditions are sage and lemon thyme. I thought I lost the sage this year, but a little pruning brought it back. I just had a great success making little lemon cupcakes. When I served them on a long narrow tray, I sprinkled the tiny blooms of the lemon thyme atop. It was very eye pleasing, and gave the guests an idea of what the cake was. Thanks to Food 52 for keeping their focus on simplicity. It works!
Smaug May 17, 2021
I seem to keep harping on this, but "herbs" is a culinary term, not a botanical or horticultural one, so you need to be very careful about making generalizations. In fact most of the commonly used herbs in western cuisine fall into one of two distinct groups of closely related plants; the perennial shrubs (mostly of family labiatae), deep rooted shrubs with a high oil content and the annual/biennial herbs (mostly of family umbelliferae, aka apiaceae.), softer leafed plants There are a few outliers, such as tarragon and saffron. The perennials are best propagated by cuttings; they take easily and seedlings are not so consistent in flavor. The soft herbs are almost always grown by seed. Basil is on it's own as a labiate annual, but there are also perennial basils. With the hard herbs, you can move them into larger pots fairly rapidly; they grow large root systems in a hurry, and you have to be careful of them becoming root bound in smaller pots. The soft herbs I usually only transplant once from their seedling pots to their final homes; most of them tend to bolt (go into their reproductive cycle, which usually ends their usefulness) if plants of any maturity are transplanted.
Smaug May 17, 2021
ps Actually, the plant's main job isn't to make leaves to survive, it's to make seeds (which frequently means fruits) to survive. In evolutionary terms, "survival" generally means survival of DNA, not of individuals.
DMStenlake August 31, 2021
Show off!!!! Meant in a nice 😊 way. Any suggestions for growing these botanicals in Los Angeles ? Thanks for educating me!
Smaug August 31, 2021
Not really- other than smog, the LA climate is easy going for pretty much all of these plants. I'm in northern California (SF area)- the low temperatures here are a little lower; your plants may have a little difficulty recognizing seasons and pests may live over winter a bit more, but it should be pretty easy down there, Bon chance.

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