
Why Does Organic Mayo Taste Funny?

It's all about the oil, it turns out

September 22, 2021
Photo by Rocky Luten

On the whole, I support buying organic foods whenever available and affordable. I welcome the occasional critter on the inner lettuce leaves; it’s his land, too. The sole, willful exception I make when buying organic is mayonnaise, because it tastes, well, weird—usually like stale nuts offset by an assertive tang.

I consider mayonnaise to be one of life’s great little flourishes, the condiment equivalent of a ruffle on a sleeve or dab of glitter on the corner of each eye. I’m also a Hellmann’s and Duke’s mayo lifer. I count on these products’ unfailing balance of creaminess, salt and tang to lend swipes of richness to turkey, ham, or tomato sandwiches, and subtle roundness to tuna salads and vinaigrettes.

I’ve tried buying organic mayo in the past, but even in small doses, it tastes funny enough to alter entire dishes. People reassure me that it's because I haven’t found the right brand. What about Sir Kensington’s? Spectrum? Chosen Foods with avocado oil? Off. Off. The latter is far and away the best, but still no Hellmann’s.

Then a few months ago, as I perused the condiments aisle at Whole Foods Market—a place from which I swore I’d never buy mayo again—I glimpsed a telltale blue lid.

Hellmann’s makes organic mayo now? If anyone can make it taste normal, they can, right?

Wrong. Two tubs later (to be sure it wasn’t a fluke), that familiar stale-nut taste overwhelmed my no-fail tuna salad, lingering on my tongue long after lunch like an unwelcome guest. That afternoon, I emailed the company asking why it tasted different and whether the legions of Hellmann’s lifers like me noticed, too.

After weeks with no reply, I sought answers at the next best place: world-renowned authority on the chemistry of food and cooking, Harold McGee, who wrote On Food and Cooking. Like some sort of food science therapist, he immediately categorized the off flavors I was struggling to decipher. “Products that lack an antioxidant or preservative are likely to develop rancidity in the oil,” he wrote, “and that can be metallic, fishy, painty, or stale-nut-like depending on the recipe.”

Mary Ellen Camire, PhD and food science professor at the University of Maine’s School of Food & Agriculture, concurred that rancid oils were likely the culprit, owing to “not enough vitamin E and other natural antioxidants” in the organic version. It’s not detrimental to us; it just doesn’t taste right.

When I compared the ingredient list between regular and organic Hellmann’s, I found that besides the organic versions of eggs, soybean oil, vinegar and lemon concentrate, the most notable differences in the organic version were the addition of dried cane syrup ("likely to balance the tartness of the vinegar and mask oxidation off-flavors,” Camire said) and the absence of a preservative called calcium disodium EDTA.

Turns out, said additive is regular mayo’s magic ingredient. An odorless crystalline powder with a slightly salty flavor, calcium disodium EDTA is a chelating agent, meaning it binds to metals and prevents them from participating in chemical reactions that might cause spoilage or loss of flavor and color. The FDA deems it safe for these uses in mayo at levels of up to 75 parts per million. (If, like me, a part per million means nothing to you, visualize instead putting four drops of ink in a 55-gallon barrel of water and mixing it thoroughly.)

Surely there are organic antioxidants that can stave off rancidity in oils, too? Rosemary extract comes to mind (and is used in Chosen Foods’ organic mayo, which boasts high customer reviews for flavor), though it can contribute herbaceous flavors.

McGee pointed to organic concentrates of vitamin E, aka tocopherols, as the best bet for mayo. “They’re usually extracted from vegetable oils, where they occur naturally but in relatively dilute form,” he wrote.

But this still doesn’t answer how this poor facsimile of Hellmann’s mayo passed muster at a massive food company like Unilever, where consistency is king. Where trained sensory panels are deployed to taste mayo for a living with palates adapted to detect such taints in anticipation of scrutiny from Hellmann’s lifers’ “mayo-attuned palates.” (I wish I’d coined this phrase, but credit goes to Mackenzie Hannum, a postdoctoral fellow at the nonprofit Monell Chemical Senses Center at the University City Science Center campus in Philadelphia, whose research centers on how and why people perceive taste and smell the way they do.)

“As a company, you want it to be as good as the real thing,” said Hannum. “They might have tested it with the sensory panel and know that they recognize a slight off taste, then tested it with Whole Foods organic shoppers who may have been more inclined to think that it’s OK. At the end of the day, you want to taste good for every person, but all our palates are different. Companies will go on consensus.”

Perhaps the focus groups sampled the mayo long before the oils had time to oxidize during the long journey to store shelves, where it would then wait to be purchased for days or even weeks. If you thought refrigeration might be the answer, all three food scientists told me that shipping and storing at lower temperatures can only delay, not prevent, rancidity in fats. Not to mention, “refrigerated storage costs much more,” Camire added.

The next (or maybe first) best thing, of course, would be to make my own mayo using my own mostly organic ingredients. Because as all this digging reminded me, an egg-, oil- and acid-based emulsion was never really intended to live for months on a supermarket shelf, chilled or not. Still, no matter how often I try, I can never get mine to taste quite as good as Duke’s or Hellmann’s.

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • GirlOfPeace
  • Marsha
  • Toshiko
  • sara diamond
    sara diamond
  • Maggie Hennessy
    Maggie Hennessy
Chicago-based food critic & freelance writer


GirlOfPeace March 16, 2024
I am so happy I found this post! I too am a Hellman's Mayo for life kind of girl! My second favorite is also Dukes. I am an advocate for my own health after surviving a near fatal blood cancer in 2010. I primarily eat organic, grass-fed and pasture raised Foods to support my health. I am blessed to have a farmers market near me where I can easily purchase sustainable produce and grass-fed or pasture raised Meats from farms located a few miles away. I also have access to Whole Foods Market within a few minutes Drive. All that being said, I have tried every brand of organic Mayo that exists. I have also tried to make my own. Bottom line, organic store bought Mayo's just taste horrific! And I simply cannot make a decent organic homemade version either. Learning how stress causes disease, I have come to terms with sticking by my lifelong friend in Hellman's, lol! Tonight while making my nearly 100% organic homemade ranch dressing, I decided to ask Google why organic mayonnaise taste so awful. Hence I found this post and was very excited to learn that I am not alone! Thank you!
Marsha October 24, 2023
I’m late to this mayo party. And while everything doesn’t have to be organic for me, I draw the line at genetically modified. I’m finding out lots of my favorite foods have snuck this in. Campbell soups, now Hellman’s mayo. I called Unilever to complain with no resolution, of course. And now after reading these reviews of organic, I’m not willing to pay extra for a lousy tasting mayo substitute. What are we to do? I did tell the rep that other countries have outlawed GMOs and have committed not to kill their citizens with hidden poisonous ingredients in food. I have been swearing by Hellman’s for decades. Now what? Anyone have any suggestions?
Toshiko April 3, 2022
I was searching around to try to find out why I can't find good commercially-made organic mayo "any more!" Oddly, before 2020 I was happy with Hellman's organic mayo and a couple of other brands too. My only issue with Hellman's was their pete-1 packaging.

But after March 2020 I couldn't find organic mayo for a while, then when it became available again it was gross. It even looks gross in the packaging while still on the grocery store shelf. It could be that it's not getting to the shelves fast enough these days.

I'm on a mission to find a good homemade mayo recipe. And it doesn't have to taste exactly like Hellman's! My taste buds have adapted to the absence of strange chemicals. I prefer my homemade bread, for example, and I can taste the chemicals (very off tasting) in the bread brands that now freak me out with their ability to sit on a counter for weeks without showing signs of staleness or decay. Just nasty!

I will eventually find a homemade mayo recipe that works for me -- and looking for it will be fun! :) I'll try Food52 Pete Scherer's recipe next.
sara D. September 22, 2021
We are like the Princesses of the Peas - the palate version. I am a blue-cap Hellman’s mayo girl. I THREW OUT that organic facsimile of Hellman’s so fast, just eww. I’m glad I’m not the I not the only person this picky and sensitive to what tastes not like it should taste.
Maggie H. September 23, 2021
Haha! Kindred picky palates unite!