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January 5, 2012
Thank you AntoniaJames for a wonderful review! I will definitely try the combinations you suggested. And most of all, I thank you for being thoughtful and responsible, unlike susan g, who did not send her notes in time last week, and this week ElizabethQ did not test my recipe at all, although I gave her all the necessary instructions. Because of them I lost two Community Picks. Thanks’ again, AntoniaJames!!!
Christina B.
January 4, 2012
Bring on the Buffalo Chicken Rillettes, please. My husband will be very excited.
Kristen M.
January 4, 2012
Hi Christina Bailey -- hardlikearmour already called those for official testing, but please feel free to leave your tasting notes in the recipe's comments section if you do make them!
January 1, 2012
I would love to test the Indian-Inspired Goat Rillettes. Indian food is my love.
Kristen M.
December 30, 2011
Just 2 recipes left for testing: Foie Gras au Gros Sel & Indian inspired Goat Rillette
December 30, 2011
When I went to check ingredients for Foie Gras au Gros Sel I got the dreaded chocolate baugette.
Cristina S.
December 30, 2011
Oh no! I understand the frustration of the chocolate baguette all too well!
The ingredients are simple: 1 "fat" duck or goose liver (from the butcher or dartagnan.com); large-grain sea salt; black pepper and ¼ cup Cognac or Armagnac.
I promise it's worth it!
The ingredients are simple: 1 "fat" duck or goose liver (from the butcher or dartagnan.com); large-grain sea salt; black pepper and ¼ cup Cognac or Armagnac.
I promise it's worth it!
Kristen M.
December 30, 2011
Thanks Cristina! The recipe appears to be loading fine now -- sorry for the blank page issues this week. We've been looking into it and think we found the cause, and will hopefully be fixed as soon as a big traffic surge on the site dies down.
December 30, 2011
Bright Korean Crepinettes, please. Does anyone know where to get caul fat or a decent substitute?
December 30, 2011
A real butcher shop should be able to help. If you're close to VT I'll gladly give you some :-) If you can't find, there's really not a substitute per se, but you could wrap them in very very very thinly sliced bacon and roast them that way; it would be a little different and quite possibly even more delicious. Thanks for trying these :-)
December 30, 2011
VT is in driving distance but a little too far for this weekend, but thanks! Checking out a couple of butchers in NYC and have PLENTY of bacon if need be. Received 5 lbs of Nueske's for Xmas!
January 1, 2012
Update, Mosaica... Dicksons Meat in Chelsea Mkt provided me with some thinly sliced pancetta and a pound of pork belly, usually carry caul fat or barding fat but not, alas, this New Year's Eve. So happy to be participating in Charcutepalooza. Also traveled to Little Korea and able to find pickled shiso leaves and the pepper paste. Thanks for posting the recipe!!
January 1, 2012
Oh, excellent! I really hope you like the crepinettes :-) And finding the pickled shiso leaves is such a testament to your Charcutepaloozian mojo.
January 4, 2012
Lardo also is delicious with the crepinettes, (instead of the elusive caul fat), crisps up on top of them like a garnish. It was a challenge to make them since I am not a charcuterie cook but fun and the end product was delicious! I made it two nights in a row since the three of us couldn't eat it all at one sitting and the one day old mixture was even better. What a nice way to start the New Year.
January 5, 2012
Oh, I am really delighted! I'm new to Food52, and so I'm not yet sure-footed here, but creating, submitting, and having the recipe tested by you was just great. Really, I'm so glad you enjoyed them. Happy new year!
December 29, 2011
Thank you AntoniaJames for choosing to test my recipe and especially for New Years Day! Have a very Happy New Year!
December 29, 2011
Tuna and French Tarragon Terrine, please! I've been itching to try one, and now seems like a good time.
December 31, 2011
Thanks for testing out my recipe! I hope you like it. It reminds me of summer :)
December 31, 2011
Thanks for testing out my recipe! I hope you like it. It reminds me of summer :)
December 29, 2011
I have to sit this one out - we'll be traveling - but congrats to all the CPC's and Happy New Year to All!
Betty A.
December 29, 2011
I would like to try the Chicken Galantine. The Asian flavors appeal to me!
December 29, 2011
I'll gladly test the Salmon Rillettes -- simply perfect for our New Years Day festivities!! ;o)
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