Off the Eaten Path
Scrapple Is the Breakfast Meat of Super Bowl Champions
Philadelphians are as passionate about scrapple as they are football.
Photo by Mark Weinberg
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February 12, 2025
My go to scrapple is Habersetts. But when I lived in the middle of PA I’d just go to the nearest Amish market. That was the best. I still stock up scrapple whenever I visit the northeast.
February 10, 2025
Scrapple is the best! My maternal grandmother and her family were all born and raised in Philly, so we had scrapple often when I was growing up.
Oddly, the old Safeway in Fairfax, Virginia carried it, so of course my mother bought it on a regular basis.
Wish i could source it here in Colorado . . . . (I've tried making it, but the stuff from the companies who've been making it for generations is better.)
Nice to see you giving it some love. ;o)
Oddly, the old Safeway in Fairfax, Virginia carried it, so of course my mother bought it on a regular basis.
Wish i could source it here in Colorado . . . . (I've tried making it, but the stuff from the companies who've been making it for generations is better.)
Nice to see you giving it some love. ;o)
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