
Dark Rye's From Motown to Grow Town

December 26, 2013

We are excited to bring you videos from Dark Rye, an online magazine created by our friends at Whole Foods Market. The magazine explores food, health, sustainability, design, tech and social enterprise.

Today: One man shifts the automotive city toward the table.

Detroit is known as the "Motor City" with due cause, but judging by the news in the past year, it's fair to say the economy could use a boost. Chef Phil Jones is hoping to shift local industry and create jobs by focusing on food with his restaurant and culinary education center, Colors. The fully functioning restaurant trains unemployed locals in all things culinary. The amazing part is many of the students who come through the program have never encountered food in anything other than canned form. Jones introduces students to the behind-the-scenes of working at a restaurant, including cooking with fresh produce, a large part of which is grown in abandoned neighborhood lots Jones has converted into urban farms -- proving Detroit has something to offer outside the automotive sector.

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Read more about Chef Phil Jones on Dark Rye.

Producer: Caitlin Riley
Editor: Nathan Downing

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Lactose intolerant cheese lover, who will walk blocks for a good cup of coffee. Recently escaped the corporate world, after discovering her favorite part of the job was ordering catering.