Too much pepper!

I misread a recipe and used 1 TABLESPOON of crushed black pepper instead of 1 TEASPOON in the brasing seasoning for lamb shanks and now all i taste is pepper. I know that potato will pull too much salt out of liquid. Is there an antidote for too much pepper?



Cannizzo January 9, 2012
Thats good to know on the lemon juice thank you it makes sense maybe that is why Mexican food also uses a lot of acid red wine vinegar might work to if it's the acid that kills the heat
ATG117 January 8, 2012
If you provide the recipe, it might be easier for folks to make suggestions. Have you already cooked the lamb? What stage are you at? Is this a dry rub? I'm actually not sure I would go with lemon, but could use more details.
maw January 8, 2012
Actually lemon juice works. Think of Indian food
maw January 8, 2012
Try adding a Lille lemon juice at a time. You will also have to add a little sugar to counteract the tartness of the lemon. Or cut a whole lemon in quarters and cook it with your food, still need a little sugar
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