Why aren't Cara Caras classified as a blood orange?

I mentioned Cara Cara blood oranges to someone and she corrected me, saying they aren't blood oranges. Googling around, I find she's right. They're supposedly a type of navel orange, although they have no discernible navel that I can see. They have beautiful dark red flesh. Does anyone know why they aren't classified as blood oranges?

Diana B
  • Posted by: Diana B
  • February 2, 2012


Greenstuff February 3, 2012
The cara cara was first found in Venezuela, a result of a genetic mutation in another navel orange. The classification follows parentage rather than flesh color.
pierino February 2, 2012
Many types of citrus are hybrids. What's most distinctive about blood orange apart from its color is its flavor; which is citrusy but also gives you a little smack of rasberry. Oranges and other citrus are hybridized to have certain characteristics. Meyer lemon would be another example.
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