What happened to the old format of this website? The new format is dominated by advertising, rather than the enticing photos of food!

  • Posted by: Miachef
  • February 12, 2012


GIOVANNI50 February 15, 2012
Not being rude, just asking for grace when being given a free excellent product.
Amanda H. February 15, 2012
Any good community needs its critics and its defenders -- we love you all.
Miachef February 15, 2012
Amanda & Susan G...thank you for your responses. Overall, I enjoy this website & in fact, have recommended it to others!

Giovanni50...everyone has a right to express their opinions...after all, we are not living in China!
creamtea February 15, 2012
totally agree, Mia. I didn't perceive you as complaining at all. There is no need for rudeness here.

Voted the Best Reply!

Amanda H. February 12, 2012
Thank you for your thoughts. We are an ad-supported business, and we work very hard to bring you Food52. The old format actually had 2 ads per page and now we have just one.
GIOVANNI50 February 13, 2012
Stop complaining
susan G. February 12, 2012
Face it, the Internet is not free. If we want the amazing staff of food52 to keep this up, they have to get paid. Our choice is pay up (not given as an option, but think, how much would it be?) or let the advertisers pay. As for "enticing photos of food" they're in generous supply, along with videos worth watching, recipes and articles worth our time...
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 12, 2012
Agree and grateful. At least there's no pop ups.
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