Fried dumplings

I am planning to make some vegetarian dumplings using ready made gyoza wrappers. I was thinking of making them ahead and then warm them in oven or microwave. Is it ok to do so or should I steam/fry them once my friends have arrived and serve it . Any recipe suggestions. I have few things in mind of using mushrooms, carrots, cabbage etc with ginger and soya sauce. anything else?

Devangi Raval


Devangi R. February 26, 2012
Thanks Susan g ! I am planning on including most of the ingredients from this recipe..
susan G. February 25, 2012 -- for filling suggestions
Panfusine February 25, 2012
Devangi.. did you just change your name to pistachiodoughnut??
Devangi R. February 26, 2012
Hahaaa!!! Yes, I was thinking For quite a while... Finally came to two things I like... So I had small naming ceremony... So, my new name is PistachioDoughnut!
Sam1148 February 25, 2012
Are you talking 'pot stickers'. Which are truly fried and steamed. Those should be cooked on demand but you can assemble them before. Sounds like you have a good game plan for the stuffing. Green onion, or sprouts maybe? But you want to keep it simple.

Steamed dumping can be assembled ahead of time and steamed and before service. Just leaving a simmer of steam to keep them warm for a couple of hours.

A hoisin sauce would be good in those with some tofu, with a small dice cube.

My favorite dipping sauces: Coleman's English Powdered mustard (mix with water and stir, the more you stir the hotter it gets).
Soy sauce/Ginger/garlic/light veggie oil--a touch of mustard if you wish.
Devangi R. February 26, 2012
Thanks Sam! Yes, I was talking about pot stickers.. I am definitely planning to use scallions or green onions may be some chives also... Keeping it simple is really my idea... With tasty flavors...
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