What's the best way to store strawberries? They seem to shrivel up quickly when left in the carton in the refrigerator.



sstiavetti March 5, 2012
When I want to keep strawberries in the refrigerator, I put them in a bowl with a damp, wrung-out paper towel underneath them, and then another set loosely on top. Then I lightly cover the bowl with plastic wrap (not sealed!). I've kept them in the fridge for 6-7 days this way.

Strawberries also freeze and dehydrate wonderfully.
mainecook61 March 5, 2012
Out-of-season strawberries (that's you, hard, tasteless, bred-for-shipping California strawberries) tend to rot. Rather quickly, actually. A real locally-grown box of strawberries, if not subjected to torrents of washing, will keep quite nicely in the refrigerator for days. The wait (June, for me) is worth it. Ignore those tempting displays of Driscoll berries now appearing in the supermarkets---so lovely to look at, so terrible to eat.
Author Comment
Try not to buy more than you can comfortably eat in a couple of days, and you can leave them out on the counter in a bowl covered with a slightly damp paper towel. If you've already bought more than you can get through fresh, freeze them in a single layer and pop them into smoothies whenever!
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