So we butchered our pigs Tuesday and have two prosciuttos curing but we have one more ham we wanted to try something else with... any killer recipes out there? (no preservatives please)

saucy. von Trapp
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usuba D. March 9, 2012
Then go for a smoked country ham, dry cured. If you are making the Parma style hams, through this one in also, but you will smoke it instead. Be careful not to allow a very dry skin to form on the inside of the ham . . . leave all the fat and sink on. If you get the dry crust to form, you will have problems drying the ham and also allowing smoke to penetrate.
If you would like to speed it up a bit, go for a Yorkshire style ham. This style you will brine the ham for at least 3 weeks, remove from the brine and rub with a 50/50 salt/sugar cooking and allow to sit for another 3 or 4 weeks. Then smoke. It is not a sweet ham, as the nasty hams of America have become. This Yorkshire style is want my family always made, but we artery pumped . . a lost art that very few people know how to do anymore. The best part of artery pumping is removing all the blood out of the ham. The blood gives ham an off smell and flavour. That is why Parma hams go through a roller machine to squeeze out all of the blood. They use to do it by hand, massaging the ham by people with very strong arms and hands.
saucy. V. March 9, 2012
Thanks usuba; I was looking for a specific ratio/recipe hints, I know about the wealth of possibilities ie: what to do with it.! We definitely are going to smoke this one, I just wanted to hear about brines and/or dry rubs, not looking for one of those (yucky) American-style sweet hams.
usuba D. March 8, 2012
Several suggestions: Also dry cure it, but smoke it like a Southern ham; artery pump it and make a "green" ham (brine cured only) and cook like a corned beef; Culatello; Seam cut and make scaloppini; slow cook and make pulled pork . . .need I go on?
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