What are your favorite iPhone cooking apps?



Brain H. April 15, 2012
I love Jamie Oliver's 20 minute meals. I have cooked off this app for a few years. I especially love using it when I am in the grocery store and in need of a new recipe idea.
Pegeen April 14, 2012
Fooducate (fooducate.com) is pretty interesting.
solarkite April 14, 2012
Cookery school - multi-timer
KBritt April 14, 2012
Cook's Illustrated, hands down!
KBritt April 14, 2012
Cook's Illustrated, hands down!
KBritt April 14, 2012
Cook's Illustrated, hands down!
LarderandLibary April 14, 2012
How to Cook Everything by Mark Bittman seems to be the one I open most often.
maryvelasquez April 14, 2012
I like Ruhlman's Ratio app. Handy, versatile.
kbckitchen April 14, 2012
Food52 of course. Also epicuriious and food on the table
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