stock scum

Are you a blancher or a skimmer?

I just can't bring myself to risk loosing ANY flavor, so i just skim for about 30 minutes before adding any aromatics to my stock. I've heard that some people actually blanch chicken bones, drain and then re fill with new water. Is my flavor loss paranoia justified or not?

  • Posted by: Benny
  • May 13, 2012


pierino May 13, 2012
I'm pretty much in synch with ChefOno's answer as well as with Benny's original question. I skim stock of course but I never blanch and especially with meat stocks I do roast the bones ahead. After the stock is cooked I strain it through two chinoises with a lining of cheese cloth between. And to get really fancy, the next day after removing the fat cap I might float a raft of egg whites to clarify it even further.
ChefOno May 13, 2012

I'm a roaster. Then it's everybody into the pool.

If you're concerned about flavor and you typically make a clear stock, compare the murky stuff from the bottom of the pot after you've carefully ladled off the clear stock Talk about your wasted flavor! Not once in school, not once, did anyone ever try that. It was all about hours of skimming leading to the "perfect" stock.

There are reasons for wanting a lighter stock and even a perfectly clear stock, in which case loss is inevitable. Some flavor is going to be lost, no matter what. But we're really talking about theoretical loss. So, yes, I'd just accept the fact and concentrate on the results you're looking for. But, no, I don't personally throw water (flavor) overboard.
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