Looking for a nice frittata recipe.

Leslie L B
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jsdunbar July 7, 2012
I don't use a recipe, but I like starting by browning cooked (leftover or microwaved) potato slices. I add whatever I have that appeals to me- vegetables, chopped or shredded meat or poultry or browned sausage meat or slices. To make the top pretty, I make a pattern with asparagus or tomato slices etc., & pour the beaten eggs over it all. Often I top it with grated cheese or slices of herbed goat cheese. I start cooking it on of the stove & finish it in the oven. I've never had a recipe so I can't give you one, but I have fun with frittatas. They're different every time & perfect for when vegetarians come for supper. Hope this gets you started :)
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