Fate voi?

In Italian, "you do it". One of the things I love is putting myself in the hands of the chef (especially if it's someone you already know). Earlier this week I went back to one of my favorite restaurants in my old home town. The chef was in the house and she knew that I like a sequence of small plates. She sent out four courses that were ridiculously good, starting with seared scallop, peach, and crispy leek. It helps to be friends with the chef of course, and I wouldn't try this at TGIFridays, but do you folks do this?
I learned this in Italy in small trattoria type places where there really is no menu. It's like just bring me what you think is good. It helps if you are non-food phobic.

  • Posted by: pierino
  • July 12, 2012


usuba D. July 12, 2012
I have always called it "chef's wim". I travel all over and when I am lucky to hit the right restaurant, I have walked away with a wonderful memory. It has also cost me unexpected bills afterwards. I paid $400 for a meal by myself in Toronto using this way of ordering, but felt it was worth every penny
ChefOno July 12, 2012

Best way to order sushi -- specify how much you want to spend and enjoy whatever appears in front of you.

Similar, I think: Tasting menus (with wine pairing). I love small plate meals.

Greenstuff July 12, 2012
Yes. Always for sushi, many times for wine like boulangere, and sometimes for small spots with willing chefs. Like you say, it's a great way to get into the heart and soul of a place.
boulangere July 12, 2012
When I would ask what wine it is, after tasting and saying it is "de très bon vin," he brings me the bottle and explains why he chose it. It's one of my fondest experiences.
boulangere July 12, 2012
In Paris, I love to order "du vin rouge, s'il vous plaît" and let the waiter choose. It's always excellent.
Maedl July 12, 2012
I've eaten in restaurants in Greece where we were invited into the kitchen to peek into the pots and choose our meal. At one of my favorite restaurants near my home in Garmisch-Partenkiicrhen, the chef comes to the table, sits down and chats for a bit and makes sure everyone is well supplied with a glass of wine from his uncle's vineyard before he gets around to telling us what he'd like to prepare for our meal. Never had a bad meal there.

There was another lovely Italian restaurant that specialized in local foods near my home that followed a similar strategy--but to my dismay, the restaurant closed last winter. Apparently, the locals never quite accepted the chef's approach or style.
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