Sources for African recipes?

I'm looking for recommendations for African cookbooks, recipe sources, and food information. I'm not looking for Mediterranean African cuisines as much.



susan G. August 6, 2012
For the T/L recipe books: look on Ebay. I was able to get those spiral bound books for all the options that I turned down while the series was being published. The big picture books are wonderful, fun and informative and have some of the recipes, but the spiral recipe books are the workhorse for the kitchen.
I've also seen them in used book stores.
And yes, some of mine had lost their covers, but the used ones I got were in good condition.
Maedl August 6, 2012
The Time-Life Foods of the World Edition on Africa is a good intro. If you want the recipes, though, you need to track down the smaller, spiral bound book that was published along with the bigger book. These recipe books can be more difficult to find because the binding was not very strong for a book that got substantial use.
chef O. August 5, 2012
Try they have a big selection of recipes by region
Christine August 5, 2012
Awesome answers everyone- exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much!
susan G. August 5, 2012
The Time-Life Foods of the World series includes African Cooking (1970). While the recipes might not be up to date for today's level of knowledge and ingredient availability, the book would be a good introduction to the food and culture of sub-Saharan Africa. Photography is beautiful!
maryvelasquez August 5, 2012
I like a book called Yolele! by Pierre Thiam, that features the food of Senegal. Interesting, easy to follow recipes with some interesting cultural info and very nice pictures.
SKK August 5, 2012
I have spent a great deal of time in Ethiopia, Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa and Ghana. One of my favorite books is
Kitchenbutterfly is from Nigeria and has some great recipes that always remind me of my stay there - a favorite is
And this is my favorite web-site for Ethiopian recipes
nutcakes August 5, 2012
I've looked through that book at the Library and seems like there are lots of do-able recipes. Good suggestion.
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