Pork cutlets-/ temperature and cooking time

  • Posted by: Ellen72
  • September 30, 2012


Kristen W. October 1, 2012
If they're more than 1/2 inch thick you can pound them out a little. Then I definitely like the bread and pan fry option. As for time, with meat this thin, I make sure I get the pan hot enough, then I just "cook to color". When the breading on both sides is nice and golden brown, they're done. But this only works if your pan is nice and hot when you put them in.
ChefOno September 30, 2012

Depends. Oven or cooktop? Thickness?

Try: Breading and frying in butter over medium-low heat until GBD (maybe 2 min. / side). Temp should be 135F.

Unless you're from the USDA. Then I swear I always cook them to 145F.

Kristen M. September 30, 2012
Cooking time will depend on method and thickness of the cutlet -- typically they're quite thin so it shouldn't be long. USDA recently lowered their recommendation for pork internal temperature to 145, as long as it's rested a few minutes after cooking -- hooray!
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