Making biscuits and am out of flour

Is there a substitute for preventing sticking while rolling our the biscuits? The dough is done. I had sufficient flour for that. The problem is my silicone sheet and rolling pin



Chanelle,Gontarz December 6, 2012
If you have oats or another grain handy, you can whizz them in a blender, processor, or spice mill to make more flour!
mrslarkin December 6, 2012
I would make drop biscuits, and skip the flour altogether. Good luck!
Ophelia December 6, 2012
Add some more milk and make drop biscuits. Or roll them between two sheets of wax paper or plastic wrap the way you would a pie crust.
Sadassa_Ulna December 6, 2012
You can use corn starch instead. And/or roll dough between sheets of parchment paper.
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