Does anyone know if I could get away with not par-boiling these noodles for a lasagne?

The lasagne will stay in the fridge a day or two before baking.

My iPhone isn't letting me upload a picture, but it is bionaturae organic 100% durum semolina lasagne noodles.


Cristina Sciarra


creamtea March 5, 2013
When you boil them, the lasagna is more succulent. I used to do it this way, but it is not worth the time savings. Much better boiled first.
Melanie O. March 5, 2013
I read somewhere that if you soak the noodles in hot or boiled water not on the stove for 10 mins or so it softens but doesn't really cook them. I have tried this and it helps with over cooked noodles when you bake it. The best reason to do this is that you can spread them out so that they don't stick together. Truly someone should invent a spaghetti type pot for lasagna noodles....
ChefManuela March 5, 2013
If you have durume semola you might prefer to do a one or two minutes boiling as they become flimsy bot not cooked, like I would say 2 minutes, drain then pass them in cold water and put on a teatowel padding to remove excess of water.
I think the durum weat wants to be cooked more.
pierino March 5, 2013
I've put a curse on the person who came up with "no boil" lasagne leaves. Maledetto!
ChefJune March 5, 2013
I never par boil any noodles for lasagne. They always turn out just fine.
aargersi March 5, 2013
My sister does that - she adds extra sauce and a little liquid and it works fine - the dry noodles are going to soak up liquid so you have to account for that. Make the liquid tasty and improve the lasagne - like maybe a good veggie stock??
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