Teenage daughter wants to know what Irish and/or British foods (or brands of food) to try while traveling in Ireland?

She asked me but I am no expert. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!



Declan August 20, 2013
Boiled Bacon and Cabbage, with Parsley SIce
God .. I still miss it!
E. B. August 20, 2013
I've been to Ireland, and my favorites ended up the simple things: hot teas, the blended veggie soups (I went in January), the brown bread and butter. I preferred the hard ciders available on tap to the Guinness (not as much a beer drinker).
healthierkitchen August 20, 2013
The breakfast foods in Ireland were among our favorites. Long cooked steel cut oats with cream and fresh fruit, and especially Irish brown bread. With butter, jam or smoked salmon. We also had Indian food in Dublin and seafood in some areas, but were surprised how hard it was to find fresh seafood to cook in our rental house in Connemara in Western Ireland. Apparently a lot is shipped out to other EU countries. In Dublin, a fun place that is not Irish food, is Wagamama. It's a Pan Asian noodle chain all over Great Britain and is relatively inexpensive and popular with younger people.
Gibson2011 August 19, 2013
This may sound surprising to the unfamiliar, but seek out curry. It won't be hard to do and it's amazing and definitely "modern British" cuisine. I had really good summer pudding and drank as much tea as I could. Avoid coffee unless she knows it's French Press, as most that is served is instant.
pierino August 19, 2013
Indeed, I've had very hot curry in Dublin. The urban Irish enjoy it as much as the Brits. But it's not really "modern British". Tikka Masala is probably more English than Indian these days. England itself is now being colonized...again.
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
Thanks, she will go to Galway then Dublin so there must be curry to be found! That is very good to know about prevalence of instant coffee.
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
My reply to Pierino was meant for you (I should be asleep). Thanks for info!
pierino August 19, 2013
After that langoustine, salmon, prawns. The seafood is spectacular even if the presentation isn't. I recall being served (in Lahinch) salmon with three types of potato.
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
My replies are not going in proper order, thanks Pierino for your input!
mindia August 19, 2013
Make sure to have some good Irish butter on either wheaten bread, soda break and/or grilled/griddled potato farls! I find most of the Cadbury sweets too sweet, with one notable exception: the Bournville Old Jamaica Raisin and Rum Dark Chocolate.
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
Sounds great, I am asking her to bring me back some of the Jamaican Raisin Cadbury you recommend ;)
Tony S. August 19, 2013
-A proper Irish/English breakfast! Black and white pudding, beans, a roasted tomato, bacon (English), and eggs.
-Sticky Toffee Pudding
-Guiness & Beef or Rabbit Stew
-Sheppard's Pie
-Lamb is always a good choice (she'll know it is local after an hour of driving around the country)
Also, depending upon where she is in Ireland, there is outstanding seafood. If she is in a place like Dingle, just go with seafood! When I visited, I was pleasantly surprised by the delicious food.
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
She is in Dooagh, the most Western point in Ireland, so I bet there is good seafood. Thanks for the wonderful list!
Maedl August 19, 2013
This site might help:
Sadassa_Ulna August 20, 2013
Thank you I will forward this to her!
HalfPint August 19, 2013
Not too familiar with Irish foods, but they have (in coastal areas) some beautiful high-quality seafood (e.g. salmon). If the full Irish breakfast is anything like the English breakfast, I would seek that out. Irish dairy, like their cheese and butter, is incredibly good. Cashel blue and Dubliner are some of my favorites, served with some good soda bread. And of course, she should check out Guinness. I'm not a beer person by any stretch, but I really like Guinness and anything made with Guinness, both sweet and savory. If she's 18 or older, of course ;)

For my British food list, which is much more extensive than the Irish list:
-Chip Butty (a glorious french fries sandwich)
-Bakewell Tart
-Bangers & Mash
-anything Cadbury (yes, you can get some Cadbury sweets here, but there's more variety across the pond), for example, Flake.
-Millionaire's Shortbread
-Damson jam
-Gooseberry jam
-Chocolate Biscuit Cake
-Eton Mess
-bacon (way way better than any bacon in the US)
-Pimm's Cup (again, she will have to be at least 18)
-strawberries & cream
-cream tea
-kedgeree, not sure if this is British or Irish, but it's a curried rice & smoked fish dish that is often served for breakfast (?). Yummy yummy goodness and a great way to start your day.
-meat pies

Wow, now I'm hungry and itching to go to London. Hope she has a great trip!
Sadassa_Ulna August 19, 2013
Thanks so much for the extensive list! I am getting hungry too reading this ;)
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