Dinner party for 4

looking for some ideas for a fall dinner party tomorrow.

Madame Sel


pierino September 28, 2013
There are some foods I always associate with autumn, this is one of them http://food52.com/recipes/11439-market-style-porchetta
Another is french onion soup when it's made properly.
Pegeen September 28, 2013
HalfPint, I love your menu - it sounds cozy and delish. I just came across this scrumptious-sounding recipe by Chef June though, you might want to consider it:
- Chicken in Red Wine vinegar sauce, http://food52.com/recipes/11458-chicken-in-red-wine-vinegar-sauce
Because of the sauce, you might want to swap out the chipotle mashed for plain or maybe buttermilk mashed potatoes. The green beans and cake sound delicious. This Dutch apple cake that someone posted here recently also looks terrific. http://foodnouveau.com/2011/10/destinations/europe/netherlands/a-deep-dish-apple-pie-amsterdam-style/
Have a great dinner!
RespectThePastry September 27, 2013
Pork Tenderloin with roasted onions, apples and potatoes, Butternut Squash Panzanella, Stuffed and Baked Apples, Apple or Honey Cake, Pulled Pork and Squash Tacos, Salad with Dried Cherries, Candies Nuts and Apples, Butternut Squash Lasagna, Spaghetti Squash Pasta...Gosh I could go on and on, I love fall!
Pegeen September 27, 2013
I would make....

Brette W. September 27, 2013
Here are some ideas: http://food52.com/blog/category/176-monday-funday
HalfPint September 27, 2013
-roast chicken, http://food52.com/blog/3514-barbara-kafka-s-simplest-roast-chicken?from_related=1&related_src_type=recipe
-chipotle mashed sweet potatoes, http://food52.com/recipes/14491-mashed-maple-chipotle-sweet-potatoes
-Asian garlic green beans, http://food52.com/recipes/6562-asian-garlic-green-beans
-rum apple cake, http://food52.com/recipes/777-rum-apple-cake
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