Experiences with grilled turkey?

We have a clan and a half coming so we're doing two turkeys. We (the hosts) are roasting ours and our friends offered to grill the second turkey. My researches are split: some think grilled turkey is brilliant and delicious - others think it's tedious and not very tasty. Any experiences/opinions/alternatives are welcome!

  • Posted by: JadeTree
  • November 18, 2013


JadeTree November 19, 2013
Thank you all! Looks like we'll do it. They have a gas grill, so he should have a straight-forward time keeping the heat even. (I say that like I know.) I really appreciate the tips and feedback!
Rocky R. November 18, 2013
I've grilled brined turkey for years in a Weber charcoal grill and they've been the best. Grill over indirect heat with a drip tray under the bird. Absolutely resist the temptation to lift the cover during at least the first hour - 1 1/2 hours as you'll lose too much heat, especially if it's a cold day. Keep an eye on the temperature of the grill (minimum 325degrees) and have extra lit coals in in a chimney starter ready to be added if needed.

Very important: often grilled turkey can still be a bit pink even if fully cooked to 165 degrees and it is safe to eat. Check out the following: http://www.fsis.usda.gov/wps/wcm/connect/d177e22b-0799-491b-88ff-d3ecc18f09f2/Is_PInk_Turkey_Meat_Safe.pdf?MOD=AJPERES
JadeTree November 19, 2013
Great website - I think you saved us anxiety since this will be a first. Much appreciated!
Dave O. November 18, 2013
I've done them in the grill and on a smoker numerous times and they always cone out great. Make sure you put the bird over indirect heat in a foil pan. I wet brine my bird over night with a good oil/rub before cooking. I put some bay leaves under the skin and use a simple stuffing of orange peals and quartered onions. A little smoke in the beginning never hurts.
Soozll November 18, 2013
If your friend has a gas grill, it can roast the turkey the same as an oven can. We had to do that one year when my oven went out the day before TG! Done in a roasting pan with no fat dripping on the burners to create smoke, it doesn't change the flavor.
ZombieCupcake November 18, 2013
I love grilling turkeys, this year has been cheap at $.79 a lb so we have done one a month for the past few months. I have to say wet brine is the way to go with grilling. So moist and it allows you to incorporate some flavor
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