In search of a very good baked good recipe to give as get-to-know-you gifts to new neighbors!

Just moved, and want to bake something to leave for our new neighbors (small building of 4 apartments). We live next to one of the best chocolate chip cookie bakeries in NYC, so that option is out. Would like something universally generally liked (no bold flavors), but pretty-looking and guaranteed to be pretty darn delicious. Mini olive oil cakes? Blondies? Help welcomed!!!

Posie (Harwood) Brien


aussiefoodie June 22, 2014
I've really enjoyed making candies lately - some of my favorites have been homemade marshmallows, caramel corn, pumpkin caramels.
Patti I. June 22, 2014
These are super easy and can be a breakfast or dessert.
AntoniaJames June 21, 2014
I gave this for Christmas one year to neighbors, with a jar of jam, and a hunk of superior chocolate:
nutcakes June 21, 2014
Maybe stay away from cookies, or at least the type sold next door. I do know a great cranberry, nut, coconut jumble from Fine Cooking everyone loves. My "go to" impress treat lately is a shortbread with apricot filling, similar to a recent genius recipe but with almost paste, served cut into small squares, a tiny bit crumbly but can be eaten by hand on a napkin or a plate with fork. Dead simple but seems fancy like from a bakery. What about those fancy shortbreads with caramel and chocolate and nuts? Financiers? But of course everyone loves cupcakes, maybe a stuffed one? If you want either recipe I mentioned just say. I did make a sherry olive oil cake once with cubes of guava paste that was fantastic.
HalfPint June 20, 2014
These are the best chocolate chip cookies that I've tasted in a long time and they're just different enough and good enough to rival the local bakery,

Trust me on this one. These were the hands-down favorite at our last bake sale.
Posie (. June 20, 2014
Thank you all for the fantastic suggestions! Keep 'em coming
ATG117 June 19, 2014
I love the idea of going with a classic brownie, wrapped simply in a brown box with twine.
Stephanie G. June 19, 2014
My standard new neighbor gift is a loaf of home made challah. My favorite recipe is from the Smitten Kitchen cookbook. I think people love challah and a home made loaf is so rare these days. Plus, the potential is there for sandwiches, French toast, etc. so they have something easy to grab and eat while unloading boxes or hanging pictures.
amysarah June 18, 2014
Biscotti are easy to make, but keep well and look impressive. If you don't want to use nuts (allergy issues) you can use dried cranberries or cherries, chocolate chips...I just made a batch of a Venetian variation with cornmeal and dried currants (recipe is in Julia Childs' Baking book) - delicious and pretty too.
HalfPint June 18, 2014
Anything with chocolate and is nut-free. I know very few people who don't like chocolate, but I'm beginning to see more people with severe nut allergies.
ChefJune June 18, 2014
Not much better gift than brownies. Almost everyone loves/craves them. Try these:
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 18, 2014
I agree with brownies. This genius recipe is genius because its rich & easy-to-make, and unique - don't forget the Maldon sea salt!
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 18, 2014
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 18, 2014
Ugh, cant figure out the link. Do a recipe search for Alice Medrich's Best Cocoa Brownies-cocoa-brownies.
mrslarkin June 18, 2014
How about a basket of scones, with some nice jam and a box of tea? But first, find out if the new neighbors have any food allergies, because you wouldn't want to accidentally kill them.
EmilyC June 18, 2014
I just made inpatskitchen's Gran's Gifted Cheesecake and loved it! It with some fresh berries will score you huge points.
Pegeen June 18, 2014
Chocolate Bundt Cake
Sarah J. June 18, 2014
The genius olive oil cake was honestly one of the best desserts I've ever made. I think those would be great in cupcake or muffin form, especially if you get cute, bakery-style wrappers like the ones from Provisions!
Posie (. June 18, 2014
thanks lady! having made it, did you have any issues with the oil settling out in the second or third day (assuming it lasts that long?)
Sarah J. June 18, 2014
Nope, mine was still great on day three (though I did keep in the fridge)! The inner circle of the cake was definitely the most moist, but I think that wouldn't be an issue with smaller, higher muffins.
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