Savory plums recipes?

I have a ton of plums. I don't necessarily love to snack on them, but I was wondering how I might use them for something savory – and appropriate to cook on a weekday. Is there anything like a fesenjan (chicken with walnut and pomegranate) or a tagine-type dish that might use plums? Looking for specific recipes – either that use plums already, or can easily substitute in for something.



AntoniaJames September 25, 2014
Pickled plums (canned for the winter) - people love them! I serve them on Thanksgiving and with pork shoulder during the cooler months, and with cheese after supper. Also, this:
for a change of pace.
savorthis September 25, 2014
I was just given a huge pile of plums as well. I made an asian bbq sauce with it, basted pork ribs on the grill with some and froze the rest. I cobbled it together using various chinese cookbooks we have, but this recipe is pretty similar: It was delicious on the ribs! I also simmered the plums in a simple syrup with mint, basil and lime juice for cocktails.
mstv September 24, 2014
Tis chutney is delicious on a turkey sandwich.

I used dried cranberries instead of raisins and diced plums instead of fresh cranberries. I also reduced sugar to 1 cup. Use less cayenne if you don't want it a bit spicy. My husband liked it with these changes even better than the original. I really like it both ways.

You could also try plum sauce (Chinese) like this:

Or a plum BBQ sauce (google recipes).
Maedl September 23, 2014
There is a category of Persian recipes called khoresh, which are basically stews with fruit. If you google 'khoresh plums chicken' (or substitute beef or lamb for the chicken) you can take your pick of ideas. And do the same for 'tagine'. You might even use plums in place of another fruit--there are recipes for rhubarb khoresh, and I think plums would work as well.

There are German, Austrian, and Czech recipes for plum dumplings. They use a bit of sugar, but can be eaten for the main course. You can top them with butter and poppy seeds or vanilla sauce if you are feeling skinny. These dumplings, which are also made with apricots, come under the category of Mehlspeisen--flour- or potato-based foods that were appropriate for the many fast days before Vatican II.

You might also consider a mostarda. This is northern Italian and is fruit cooked in sugar and vinegar to which spices like mustard seed are added. Mostarda is served with meats or cheeses. It really dresses up a selection of cheeses at the end of a meal.

lem M. September 23, 2014
Oh I didn't think of dumplings because they aren't savoury (but really not overly sweet, either) – but what a great idea! They are so delicious and are commonly eaten as a main course for lunch (with a little salad before).

There are various versions:
There are boiled ones (Zwetschkenknödel in Austria and Bavaria), where you encase whole or halfed plums (depending on their size), with dough – made with either potatos (very similar to gnocchi), quark cheese or a combination – and gently simmered in water before rolled in poppy seeds or breadcrumbs roasted with butter & powdered sugar.
But then you also have those with a barely sweet yeast dough similar to brioche and either steam the rather large dumplings (Germknödel or Dampfnudeln) or bake them in the oven until crispy and golden (Rohrnudeln or Buchteln). I like these best with a bit of warm vanilla sauce (like a very loose custard/pudding) or a mixture of brown butter and rum or sweet wine heated up together.
lem M. September 23, 2014
(If you need an actual recipe, let me know.)
theletterc September 24, 2014
Great ideas, thank you!
AntoniaJames September 25, 2014
Yes, plums work well in mostarda. ;o)
cookingProf September 22, 2014
I have my grandmother's Tkemali recipe, originally made with sour plums, posted here.
My modified version uses cranberries.
Horto September 22, 2014
i don.t know how to post the link, but today on the there is an interesting one from Yotam Ottolenghi, plums with chicken something….his foods are so flavorful, check it out
Greenstuff September 24, 2014
Roast chicken with plums, prunes and potatoes? It's one of several chicken recipes at
Monita September 22, 2014
I like this chicken and plum recipe which I make often in the late summer
lem M. September 22, 2014
Tagine would be absolutely wonderful – there are plenty of recipes out there using dried prunes, especially in lamb or beef tagines, and you can just substitute fresh ones; use a bit less, add only near the end of the cooking time (maybe 10 mins or so), so they keep their structure, and taste in case you need to adjust sweet-/tartness.
There’s also a wonderful recipe called Plum sauced pork tenderloin on this site (use the search function) – you could even make more of the sauce and can it.
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