I'm making ice cream and it isn't freezing.

It's the first time I've ever had trouble but I'm using a new recipe. I'm using a Cuisinart 2qt machine and I left the bowl in the freezer for about 30 hours. Normally, I'd toss it but I used a rather lot of expensive chocolate so I'd prefer to salvage it if possible. The custard is thick and very cold (it was very cold when I put it in the machine also). Any thoughts? Should I let it go a bit longer then throw it in a container and hope for the best? Maybe freeze it then put it in a blender and re freeze? Thoughts?

Liza's Kitchen NYC


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boulangere November 2, 2014
Sugar and the brix scale are more of an issue in sorbets, which tend to contain both more water and more sugar than ice creams. I routinely allow the cooked custard to chill overnight in the refrigerator. This accomplishes two things: one, obviously the custard is thoroughly chilled, and 2, the protein strands in the eggs become even more fully saturated which helps created that sensation of ultra-creaminess in the texture. Do you chill your bowl upside down? I find that the gel in the lining distributes itself more evenly that way. And don't ever run the cylinder through the dishwasher; high heat compromises its ability to chill adequately. Definitely let everything rest overnight, including yourself!, and try again tomorrow.
hardlikearmour November 2, 2014
Nice tip on the upside down bowl -- I'll do that from now on!
Susan W. November 2, 2014
By very cold..is the custard 40° or below? I've had this happen and I did two things to save it. I left the custard overnight. When it failed, it had been chilling for 6 hours. The other thing I did was freeze it in two batches in case my batch was too big for my machine.
Annie S. November 2, 2014
It is usually a sugar issue. In order to freeze the sugar content is really important . You might add extra sugar in order for it to freeze. I hope that doesn't compromise your flavor goal. Look up Brix scale it explains this.
Liza's K. November 2, 2014
I've just taken the ice cream mixture out and put it back in the fridge. The bowl seemed not at frozen as usual and I'm wondering if it just wasn't cold enough, or my apartment is just too hot. Either way, I'll give it another go in a few days.
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