uncured smoked pork jowl. Ideas?

Should have read the package better! Didn't see that it was smoked. Can I treat this just like it's regular pork cheeks but smokier? Been in the freezer for a bit so I'd like to cook this asap. Ty

Jason Twomey


Sam1148 November 13, 2014
Keep that sucker in the freezer. Save it for New Years Eve.
Black Eyed Peas cooked with Hog Jawl. Served with Turnip Greens and Corn Bread.

That's Southern NYE/NYD tradition in the south. And make the corn bread and use that sop up the 'pot likker' from the greens.

Jason T. November 13, 2014
The label specifically says uncured smoked pork jowl. From a small local farm. So it's not guanciale. That's why I was looking for some guidance.
ChezHenry November 13, 2014
Sorry, i misunderstood. I still think it will be great as a replacement for pancetta or lardons in any recipe, just taste them first and gauge. Ive not had great success with this type of product outside of Italy, to be honest.
ChezHenry November 13, 2014
In classic Italian cooking in Italy, they would use smoked guanciale in lieu of pancetta in such dishes as pasta carbonara or a'la matriciana. Use it as you would pancetta or bacon lardons in just about any dish. (it's probably cured, just curious why you think it's uncured?). Mario Batali uses it a lot, just search on guanciale and batali....
HalfPint November 13, 2014
I would go in a more Chinese direction: slice jowls thinly, stir fry with green beans, hot chili paste (like sambal oelek) & soy sauce. It's similar to my favorite dish at a local Hunan restaurant where they use their house-smoked 'ham' (it's more like bacon).
bigpan November 13, 2014
Warm it up slowly and serve on a bed of sauerkraut with some good sausage and exotic German beer (bud lite is not German)
Jason T. November 13, 2014

Wouldn't the curing process be what gives it the saltiness? If it is uncured and only smoked it shouldnt be very salty. Right? Trying to figure out how the smoking would have effected the water content and flavor. I will try a small sample after defrost.
Chris H. November 13, 2014
I would defrost it and fry a small piece to get an idea of its salt content. You may need to blanch it for a bit if it's excessively salty. From there, it's pretty good in something like carbonara, or cooked with winter greens.
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