How can I print a recipe without the preface to the recipe? The extra description causes 2 pages to be used instead of one.

A lot of extra paper and toner are used when the descriptions of the recipes are added to the print function. They are unneeded! We're trying to save a tree and reduce the use of resources.

  • Posted by: Rebecca
  • September 24, 2015


702551 September 25, 2015
Moreover, recipes vary in length. You really need full control to force a recipe onto one page.

If you are just printing from a web browser, you do not have detailed page layout control, like margins and font size.

Cutting-and-pasting into a word processor program gives you the opportunity to rearrange the content. You can put the preface after the core recipe, thus retaining the author's comments while optimizing the recipe for single-page display.

Having a two-sided page doesn't kill any more trees, it just uses a little more electricity and printer toner.
Susan W. September 24, 2015
As SMSF said, copy and paste is the best way. You choose EXACTLY what you want to print.
CHeeb September 24, 2015
Rebecca, I choose my printer preview option and choose the pages that I only want to print. When a Food 52 recipe has been around for a while and there are lots of comments , this is very helpful.

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SMSF September 24, 2015
When I want to print a recipe, I just copy and paste the text (from the "print recipe" page) into Word, then I can format as I wish (deleting intro, etc.) Then I save it to my computer.

The great advantage to this method is that I can change text or add notes to the recipe after I've made it. I also like to copy and paste the recipe photo onto the page - you can shrink the photo down so it doesn't take up a lot of room, but the photo often reminds me of why I wanted to save the recipe to begin with!
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