Spiced nuts

Hi. I made some spiced nuts with egg white, sea salt and smoked paprika. I roasted them low and slow and the texture is nice but there's no flavor. What can I do to get some flavor without burning them?

  • Posted by: Duckie
  • December 31, 2015


magpiebaker January 21, 2016
Try the sweet and savory spiced nuts recipe on epicurious.com. I've made it a bunch of times and it's always a hit.
mia January 21, 2016
Add brown sugar, cayenne, chopped rosemary. It's my fail-safe best spiced nuts recipe ever.
Chef L. December 31, 2015
You might try adding some other ingredients, pretzels and/different nuts and just add those to what you have. www. david lebovitz.com has a nice recipe.
cookbookchick January 1, 2016
Clicking on this link will bring you to a law firm in Pittsburgh, lol!
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