Lots of leftover onions from making Marcella sauce

I've got 3 onions leftover from making Marcella sauce over a week ago. (We didn't use them because we added the sauce to lasagna that was already veg-heavy.) Questions: Are these okay to use? I'm assuming that if they show no signs of funny business, they're fine! And also, HOW should I use them? Rewarm them in stock and blend into an onion sauce?

Sarah Jampel


AntoniaJames July 18, 2016
I make double or triple batches of that sauce several times a year for stocking my freezer (along with the Genius roasted vodka sauce, and Mallika Basu's indispensable tomato curry sauce). I find that once the sauce is cooked, nearly all of the flavor of the onions is in the sauce. What's left is rather spent. I eat them as a light snack! I've been known to set aside a few to puree, to give body to other compatible sauces, but frankly, they are mostly water, which limits their utility. ;o)
Ali W. July 18, 2016
Make genius onion "cream"!

OR.... Pickle them!
PHIL July 18, 2016
make some hot dog onions..............
Susan W. July 18, 2016
So, if I understand this, you used them to make the sauce, so they are onions cut in half and stewed (in all that luscious tomato and butter) in the sauce and then removed. Right?

I'm thinking a topping for a burger, an ingredient for an almost fully cooked ratatouille or in some sort of beef sandwich, or topping for a pizza. They've already been cooked for 45 minutes so no need to cook them further.
PHIL July 18, 2016
I agree with CV, caramelize them and toss them on a pizza shell or some toasty bread.
702551 July 18, 2016
Assuming they have already been peeled, I would slice and caramelize them. Caramelized onions will last a good week in the fridge and freeze well.
laurenlocally July 18, 2016
I always blend them into the sauce when I make it.
PHIL July 18, 2016
What state are they in? chopped? halved? uncooked? Once you give me those details I can give you some suggestions.
Rachel July 18, 2016
I would use them. As long as they were stored properly and don't seem to be off, you should be okay. Then again, I'm sure there are others who would probably say you're taking your life in your hands if you do.
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