whats is hgt milk and how do i use it?

  • Posted by: brandon
  • January 31, 2011


innoabrd February 2, 2011
I'd think the use of raw milk in professional catering in an application like custard in which the milk would not be exposed to sufficient heat to pasteurize it would be a very bad idea. Beyond the fact that I can't imagine such a use would comply with local health codes anywhere in the US, there are health risks associated with raw milk, particularly for pregnant women, small children, old folks and anyone with a compromised immune system. Listeria can really damage a fetus. If you do decide to use raw milk, be sure to inform your customers that you are so that they can opt-out. You can't tell at a glance if someone is in the early stages of pregnancy or HIV positive. Would be a bad thing for one of them to end up in the hospital because you didn't disclose.
gluttonforlife February 1, 2011
UHT milk is treated at a very high temp to kill spores and thus has a long shelf life, but also a lot less folate than other milk. The high temps can also cause Maillard browning (almost like a slight caramelization), which might account for your pastry chef's preference. Tell him/her to try raw milk for a (positive) change...;-)
brandon February 1, 2011
it was uht milk, thanks guys. The pastry chef at my restaurant uses it for a lot of his custards because he says he likes the texture it affords. I just dont know the details about it.
innoabrd February 1, 2011
I always keep some UHT milk on hand for a back up. The taste just isn't what you get with fresh milk, but in a pinch, it works fine. It also keeps longer in the fridge than fresh milk after opening.
RobertaJ February 1, 2011
Did you mean UHT milk? If so, see the link below. I wouldn't use it if there were a fresh alternative, just the same as I avoid ultrapasturized cream.....


I guess it would be OK to keep on the shelf in case of an emergency, but you can do that with evaporated milk as well.
betteirene January 31, 2011
I've never heard of hgt milk. The only "hgt" I know of stands for "horizontal gene transfer." It is one way to combine genetic material (make babies) without the fun of having sex.

Horizontal gene transfer from the practice of drinking cow's milk is not a good thing. Simply put, it happens when cows eat feed made from plants grown from genetically-modified seeds, then we drink the milk that comes from those cows, then we untentionally "catch" a cancer gene or we produce a gene that makes us resistant to antibiotics.

Other milk-related initials you should be aware of: rBGH/BST, genetically engineered Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone. The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Consumer's Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, have warned of the potential hazards to human health caused by consuming products derived from rBGH-treated cows.

If "hgt milk" isn't a science experiment gone wrong and is instead some sort of fancy new product, I'd be interested in learning about it.
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