Just put diced potatoes ,par cooked sausages , onion and beef stock in a slow cooker how long should i let it cook ?

Barry Moss


PHIL September 23, 2016
Sausage makes everything better Susan
Susan W. September 23, 2016
So true. Sausage, bacon and butter are my three "makes it better" ingredients.
Susan W. September 23, 2016
For next time, I wouldn't par cook the sausages and 4-5 hours on high would be adequate. You want all the flavor from the sausages in the dish itself. Depending on how much stock you used, that also could dilute the flavor, so if it was too liquidy, just reduce it next time. Slow cookers create a lot of their own liquid. It sounds really tasty so perfecting that fun recipe would give you a great item for your arsenal of recipes. Splash of red wine or balsamic vinegar would punch the flavor up too. Oooh..so would some Dijon mustard.
PHIL September 23, 2016
good point on the sausage, you lose all those great drippings precooking them.
Susan W. September 23, 2016
I have a beef stew percolating in a slow cooker right now, but I may fire up another one and cook this delicious sounding sausage concoction. :)
PHIL September 23, 2016
It will probably cook about 6 hrs on high. Since the sausage is cooked or mostly cooked you just need the potatoes and onions to get soft and the flavors blend. I would check after a couple of hours to see how it is coming. Make sure the sausage is cooked through also. It will cook faster cut up than whole. Let us know how it turns out.
Barry M. September 23, 2016
Hey thankyou, turned out great. Could have done with a bit more flavour but everyone enjoyed it. Thankyou again for your feedback.
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