recipe for chicken and angel hair pasta recipe with uncooked pasta

pasta laid on bottom, chicken pieces on top, sauce (?) covering

Mildred Guberman Kravetz


PHIL October 19, 2016
I am not a fan of chicken with pasta. Anybody else feel that way? I would rather make chicken with rice or maybe egg noodles.
Susan W. October 19, 2016
I thought it was just me. I do think we're in the minority, but I've never liked them in one dish. The textures are too similar I think.
ChefJune October 19, 2016
I would cook the chicken without tomatoes - in its own juices, probably flavored with a little garlic, some shallots and thyme. You could add a bit of orange zest as well. Then cook your pasta to almost done, remove the chicken pieces from the sauce. Add the almost cooked pasta to the sauce and toss to coat then add the chicken on top and heat briefly to complete.
pierino October 19, 2016
That opens up a lot of possibilities but block "alfredo" from your mind. You could simply saute chicken and finish in a tomato basil sauce with the possible addition of sweet pepper or hot pepper flakes to your taste. Also, please note that in Italy the pasta is usually added to the sauce and not vice versa, as in "laid on bottom".
C S. October 19, 2016
i have a recipe like this that uses rice It is a layer of rice, chicken pieces, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a packet of dry french onion soup. It goes in the oven and comes out hot, and creamy and since it is a 1950's recipe that is what it tastes like.
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