About how much does a cup of finely grated Pecorino Romano weigh?

  • Posted by: jet53
  • November 15, 2016


Mocasta March 11, 2021
Thank you to whoever said 4 oz per cup. I ground it up in my Thermomix, which worked out perfectly.
QueenSashy November 17, 2016
I would venture to say 4 oz. It also depends on how compressed it is (and all other factors as pierino put it), but from the flavor perspective 4 oz is a meaningful quantity to use in a dish...
Smaug November 16, 2016
It will also depend a good deal on how you grate it, which will also vary a lot with the hardness of the cheese- a harder cheese will tend to grate somewhat fluffier. I have both a microplane box grater and a regular one- the microplane tends to produce a much airier result. Fortunately, there will usually be a lot of leeway in what will work.
Susan W. November 15, 2016
It's a little hard to say because different romano cheeses will weigh a little differently, but about 2 ounces or 50 grams. Some sources say it's 4 ounces or 100 grams. Luckily, most recipes are forgiving when it comes to amounts of cheese.

Here's what Cooks Illustrated says:

pierino November 15, 2016
Is it imported or domestic? How old is it? Moisture content and age will have an impact on weight.
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