Recipe ratios for cake( name of cake)

I used to make this recipe for a cake for my friend(70) . It was her mothers recipe. The ingredients are
grated semi sweet choc
1/2 cup walnuts finely ground
6 eggs - separated
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 cup flour
Problem is I don't know how much semi sweet choc?
Any heard of this cake (name)?

  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Nancy January 27, 2020
This sounds to me most like a sponge cake with walnuts and chocolate. Look up walnut sponge cake recipe for directions.
The chocolate seems to me like a garnish (one or two ounces, grated) as most chocolate sponge cakes are made with cocoa. But you could go in the cocoa-chocolate direction, if you and the honoree like that flavor, and instead use some walnuts as garnish. If you mixed the small amount of grated chocolate in the batter, it might just look messy - not enough to change color or flavor, just enough to be noticed.
Good luck with this nice project and please let us know how it works out!
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