Gift Ideas

Looking for kitchen gift ideas for my mom. She's a great cook and has just about anything I can imagine- a sous vide machine, vacuum sealer, nice knives, etc...

My budget is $200. Help!

Tony S
  • Posted by: Tony S
  • December 8, 2016


QueenSashy December 8, 2016
I know that you would like it to be a surprise, but your mom seems like a person who knows what she wants in the kitchen, and you are running a risk of getting her something she does not really need or want. (Speaking from experience here.) So how about you ask her, or even better, take her out shopping, (in a mall or on the Internet) and have her pick her present. (You can throw in a lunch in the mix). By doing it together, it will make the gift even more special :) But if you are still looking for a cool present, check out the Food52 store, there is a lot of lovely stuff there. And also, on top of my personal wish-list this holiday is a Moroccan hand painted tagine dish, sort of like the one in this photo!4500!3!110856976460!!!g!61865531738!&gclid=CLDa7d-k5dACFZCCswod8isJUQ&ef_id=WApSOAAABfyNquKq:20161208190346:s
HalfPint December 8, 2016
Maybe a subscription to her favorite wine club? has a Michelin Edition Holiday box, with food products from around the world.
caninechef December 8, 2016
If she is interested in wine but does not have a lot of experience ( like a lot of us I think) maybe a wine tasting or wine pairing class? Or if you are near by and there are wineries in the area maybe spend an afternoon together visiting a winery or 2 and you can pick out a few bottles together for her to go home with. Make it a gift of your time and presence, not just your $s.
Amanda S. December 8, 2016
Hi Tony S! I completely agree with Nancy and C Sangueza that an experience or a donation is always a good idea for someone who seems to have everything.

But if you do want something you can wrap up, here are a few pieces I love from our Shop that fit the bill: a mini griddle that sits right atop a single burner (, a carbon steel fry pan that'll get rip-roaring hot (, or a knife grabber ( for all those fancy blades,

Plus lots more to consider at in our gift guide for cooks:

Hope that helps!
C S. December 8, 2016
Fantastic suggestions from Nancy. As a mom I second her suggestion to give to a food related charity giving your mom a nice card with either a bottle of wine, chocolates or a plant and explaining the donation.

Voted the Best Reply!

Nancy December 8, 2016
So don't give her things.
Give her one or more of:
* an experience (a class, fancy meal out, excursion to local point of food interest)
* a service (maybe a chef to teach or cook a meal in her home)
* some luxe or rare ingredients (you know her tastes)
* ongoing deliveries (fruit, meat, chocolates) for as long as your budget and her tastes allow
* split indulgence and doing good (half your budget for her, half for a charity that feeds others).
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