What software do you use to organize all your recipes? I really need something that I can use to archive recipes, cross reference ingredients and use as a tool to develop recipes. There are so many out there, I don't know what to choose. Thank you!

Helen's All Night Diner


susan G. February 11, 2011
I use Delicious, a bookmarking site, for online recipes. It's been very helpful, but of course as time goes by and the list gets longer and longer, it's harder to find what I want -- I suppose that's true no matter what you are using. www.delicious.com is the site; you set up whatever tags you want so the indexing will be useful to you.

I love Eat Your Books -- it's brought books back into use that I hadn't really seen for years, and gives me a jumping off point for browsing.

Neither of these would specifically be a 'tool for developing recipes.' I suppose you need to follow the software suggestions for that.
Sadassa_Ulna February 11, 2011
I am not familiar with recipe software and suspect I am missing out! My low[er] tech approach is to email recipes to myself and keep them in a folder labeled recipes. I can then search my email for ingredients to somewhat filter through and find stuff. Then I can access them on my phone or my work computer . . .
boardoe February 11, 2011
If you are using a Mac, then consider YummySoup. It allows for direct import with very little effort of recipes found on websites. I've imported many recipes from food52! It is even available in the new Mac App store. There is even word that there will be a companion app for the iPad soon.
Eliana60 February 11, 2011
Eat Your Books sounds intriguing, but it would steal away the pleasure of leafing through my cookbooks to find the one perfect thing to make in just that moment..
Ms N. February 11, 2011
I have been testing out Living Cookbook, and like this one a lot--it has a conversion program where you can "cut & past" from web sites and other online sources..I like it very much. Like most software it has a learning curve..
cookbookchick February 11, 2011
I have been using MasterCook for years and like it a lot.
drbabs February 11, 2011
For the recipes in cookbooks, I love eatyourbooks.com. You enter your cookbooks, and when you want to make something, you put in the name or the ingredients. It finds the page in all your cookbooks where the recipes are and even gives you a shopping list. For other recipes (like from this site or other online sources), I'm hopeless. I have a big file of them printed out. If I were smart, I'd at least organize them into categories, but I haven't done that yet. I find the search engine on this site works really well.
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