Low-carb eggs benedict... anyone tried cauliflower toast?

My husband is currently on a low-carb regime and I was looking for some suggestion for a replacement for English muffins when serving eggs benedict. I've seen cauliflower "toast" floating around on the internet... has anyone tried it? Any other suggestions for something that can soak up yolk and hollandaise without being too carb heavy.

  • Posted by: KyMorgan
  • February 24, 2017


ChefJune February 24, 2017
New Orleans celebrates brunch with Eggs Sardou - which is pretty much the same as Eggs Benedict only made on an artichoke bottom. It's absolutely wonderful and I prefer the artichoke to the English muffin. [For the record, I get frozen artichoke bottoms in a Middle Eastern grocery.]
KyMorgan February 27, 2017
June, this sounds FANTASTIC! Do you have a recipe that you could recommend?
ChefJune February 27, 2017
I can pm you my recipe this evening. Hope that doesn't come too late.
inpatskitchen February 24, 2017
Take a look at "oopsie" rolls (recipes all over the internet. Here's one:
ktr February 24, 2017
I have not make cauliflower toast but I have make a few good paleo biscuit recipes that might work well.
I made this one for my in laws who grew up eating biscuits and they never knew they were made without regular flour. https://www.mynaturalfamily.com/recipes/paleo-recipes/paleo-biscuits-recipe/ I have not calculated the carbs in the recipe.
Nancy February 24, 2017
There are plenty of recipes out there for cauliflower "toast" (really a sort of pancake or fritter, and you might like one.
But I don't think it or any vegetable will have the absorbency you want and need to deal with both poached egg yolk and hollandaise.
Alternatively, I would suggest making - for your egg/brunch fix - a quiche with cauliflower crust. Maybe not as gooey/flowing a sauce as eggs benny, but you can dress it up with other goodies for a rich feeling.
Have a look:
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