is this recipe more summer than fall?

need a foolproof entertaining dish for 8 and i love this, but i normally make during the summer. thanks for any guidance!

  • Posted by: lcast
  • October 30, 2017


Nancy November 5, 2017
Agree with cv...your table, your guests, you choose what to serve.
But you seem a little worried.
Ask yourself what you like most about the dish...the meat, the sauce, the absolute reliability?
If you want to fiddle with any of these, practice (if there's time) before the dinner party with other options....e.g., a difference sauce more suitable for fall (red wine and shallot).
If you want to stay with this dish, do so and build your menu around it.
Susan W. October 30, 2017
Wow that looks delicious!! I think it’s quite appropriate for fall. Might be fun to serve it with a roasted butternut or acorn squash salad.
amysarah October 30, 2017
I think it's fine for fall. Maybe just adjust what you serve with it - in summer, I might do a salad or two, in cooler weather maybe a hot rice or grain dish as well.
702551 October 30, 2017
With all those peppers and the spiciness, I see this as a summer dish rather than fall. I back away from spicy dishes once cooler fall weather has arrived.

As fresh peppers are still available at my local farmers market, I don't see this as totally out of season yet.

Anyhow, it's really your call if you want to serve this to your guests.
lcast October 30, 2017
sorry -- here's the recipe:
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