Milky Cucumbers
Greetings form the Midwest where we put everything in milk. When I was girl in the 1960's a favorite dish was of sliced cucumbers in whole milk, with a bit of apple cider vinegar, sugar, sliced onions, and I think, pepper. I have tried making it as an adult, but the milk curdles. Someone suggested adding cream, but that changes the dish. Is milk different now? Any suggestions?
Just saw this post and I had to answer! I also grew up with this dish here in Michigan, we ate it practically every day as soon as the cukes were ripe. We used pickling cukes and never large pulpy ones. Peeled and sliced thin, added to milk, vinegar, a bit of sugar,, touch of salt, black pepper. The tip for not curdling is to add the milk into the vinegar, not the vinegar into the milk. Try it! Ate buckets of this and still get cravings for it although everyone downstate thinks it sounds crazy. I think it's French Canadian-at least that's the family history of it. Good luck!
Happy New Year to you.