Just Curious

Concerning the last contest...three of the five contenders were labeled "Community Picks" yet we didn't get a Food52 photo of them. Any reason?



Emma L. April 10, 2018
Hi Pat! Thanks for checking in on this. We've made some changes across the board with our contests to make it possible for us to run six per year. The photography was one of those changes. Our contributing editor Lindsay-Jean explains all the details here: https://food52.com/blog/21260-contests-are-back-your-best-hands-off-recipe. The cheat sheet: The top five recipes are all considered community picks, which we test (usually multiple times!), and highlight in an announcement article on the site. But, only the top two will be photographed in our studio for the contest itself. If possible with our editorial schedule, we do hope to photograph and feature some of these community picks down the road!
inpatskitchen April 10, 2018
Thanks Emma....
Bevi April 10, 2018
Hi Pat- I am not sure if this is the answer, but historically many past CPs have not been photographed.
inpatskitchen April 10, 2018
I guess my point is that there were only three and all were tested by Food52 and not the community. Why not take the time for a photo?
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 10, 2018
...and why are they community picks if not chosen by the community? Shouldn't they be editors/Food52 picks?

How did you see the latest community picks? I cant find them from the last contest.
inpatskitchen April 10, 2018
Hi Chops! When I scrolled through the 5 contenders in the last contest they were all labeled "Community Pick" at the end of each recipe.
inpatskitchen April 10, 2018
I'm sorry Chops. You can find the 5 finalists here:
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 10, 2018
Hi Pat! Thank you so much for the link.
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