Wedgewood Oven Adjustments

I’m living in a new home that has a lovely Wedgewood stove. The heat in the oven is pretty much on target yet everything I bake is getting done too quickly and centers are now dropping. I’ve moved down a rung from center and trying to bake 25 degrees less. It’s so inconsistent. I have been baking for years in other ovens and not had a problem. I’m using same/similar recipes. I wonder if anyone has tips, tricks and other know how when baking in an old oven. Thanks!

  • Posted by: srcerer
  • August 20, 2018
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Smaug August 21, 2018
One possible difference is that old stoves tend to have much higher thermal mass than the newer ones. Non convection ovens tend to have hot and cold spots and this evens them out; also there is less temperature drop from temp. absorbed by the food or cold air when the oven is opened- it essentially operates at a higher effective temperature because there 9is a greater reservoir of heat.
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