Need suggestions for spaghetti squash! It seems so promising...

  • Posted by: akmartin
  • September 21, 2010


aliyaleekong September 22, 2010
Thanks, pierino! It's technically a sauce mornay but because of the infusion of saffron/garlic, the flavor profile is I always shy away from calling it that. delicious, regardless - I will post the full recipe in the next few weeks. :)
pierino September 22, 2010
Per aliyaleekong's recipe, technically the addition of gruyere makes it a sauce mornay. Sounds great I'll have to try it. Saffron is one of my secret weapons in the kitchen. I'm not saying what the other is...yet.
aliyaleekong September 22, 2010
I LOVE to make a spaghetti squash gratin with saffron and garlic. I split the spaghetti squash in half, scrape out seeds and fibrous middle, add oil, salt and pepper, and bake face down on a foil lined baking sheet @ 375 for 45 min. In the meantime, I make a bechamel, infusing the milk with saffron and garlic first and using gruyere to thicken. Combine this with the scraped-out spaghetti squash and top with bread crumbs before baking again. Delicious...
dahliat September 21, 2010
I've made this before, its very good.
BethFalk September 21, 2010
I've made it lots of ways, but never found anything I like better than just baking it, scooping out the flesh and eating with LOTS of butter. You can, though, serve it with marinara sauce just as you would regular old spaghetti, and it works pretty well.
pierino September 21, 2010
Split in half lengthwise ; scoop out seeds sand rub the inside with butter or oil. Grate parmigiano over. Bake at 400. Season with salt and toss flesh with pasta.
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