Hotline comments not visible 10 April 2019

Suddenly can't read the comments on the hotline, neither from phone nor desktop.
Can only see #1 of comments.
Not helpful to those wanting answers, or to give solutions without duplicating other answers.

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • April 10, 2019


Customer-Care April 10, 2019
Hi Nancy, and thanks for your note. I'm really sorry — I can imagine how frustrating that must have been! Sounds like you experienced a glitch we've since resolved. You should be able to see comments now, but if not, please let us know! You can respond here, or you can reach us directly at [email protected]. — The Food52 Care Team
BerryBaby April 10, 2019
And, 0 answers show instead of the actual numbers of answers. It's been like this for a number of months. ?
Customer-Care April 10, 2019
Hi there. Hmm, the issue you're describing sounds separate from the glitch Nancy was experiencing, and I'd love to get to the bottom of it — going to send you a quick note directly. I'm sure we can figure it out :). Speak soon!
Nancy April 10, 2019
Smaug -
Agree, have seen many glitches here over past few months.
But NOT seeing comments was a big one, worth noting, since the purpose of Hotline is to share ideas, answers, menu suggestions.
Smaug April 10, 2019
Yesterday we were getting the comments but were told there were none- these glitches seem to have become a way of life on F52; we can but hope that someone in tech is working towards some sort of positive goal, things have been in flux for quite a while now.
Customer-Care April 10, 2019
Hi there, and thanks so much for voicing these concerns — I'm sorry to hear that this has been your experience! We're always working hard to grow and improve, our site's functionality included. If there's ever something specific that's not working for you, we'd love to hear from you at [email protected] — then we'll do our very best to troubleshoot.
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