Is it necessary to use a 100% hydration starter?

The recipe I used to create my starter was not a 100% hydration recipe. I didn't learn until later that this was the most common type. I tried switching it, but it didn't rise very well (perhaps I needed to give it more time?) Anyway, I used my starter for the other sourdough recipe on this site and it worked fantastic. I'm not sure if I need to get my starter to a 100% hydration or if I should keep it the way it is since I know it's worked before. I feed it using 1/4 cup water and 6 tablespoons of flour. Thank you!

Table Loaf
Recipe question for: Table Loaf


boulangere December 16, 2019
Good news! Your starter is at 100% hydration. In fact, it's slightly over. 1/4 cup of water is equal to 2 fluid ounces. I just scaled your 6 tablespoons of flour, and it weighs in at 1.87 ounces. When you feed it, be sure to let it sit at room temperature until the surface shows active fermentation bubbles, and you can perceive a creamy/tart odor. My kitchen tends to be on the cold side this time of year, so when I fed mine yesterday, I let it sit for probably 5 hours before I refrigerated it.
stormthecat December 16, 2019
Yay! That's great! Thank you so much!!!
boulangere December 16, 2019
I forgot to mention that whenever you feed your starter, you should double it. When feeding time comes around, if you have more than you want to double, pour off and discard, or use, enough so that you maintain that balance.
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